December 26, 2010
This isn't really gun related but I saw this for the first time this morning.
Hope this isn't the beginning of the Greek protests starting here. (I can't believe these people think they have any chance of pulling an Arab spring here. Actually, they probably do think they have a chance, I just don't think an Arab spring has a chance of happening here.)
I hope this doesn't get really ugly.
The sad part, IMO, is they don't appear to have any real solutions. They just want a change or anarchy or who knows what.
July 7, 2011
I heard one of the leaders on the radio being interviewed the other day. The radio interviewer asked the leader about 5 different ways what he would like to see changed. He couldn't come up with anything at all. All I could figure was either they didn't know what they wanted to accomplish or.... didn't want to say what they were trying to accomplish!
January 24, 2009
You know, Glenn Beck made a pretty good point this morning, the instigators behind this "movement" are intentionally keeping the focus blurred. Most of the protesters have no idea why they are there. They are being used as useful idiots in this thing. The instigators are counting on many other young useful idiots from across the nation to join in with "the cause"...and once they get a few million, then the focus will be narrowed onto one spot. That spot...is to collapse commerce, the free market, the financial system as we know it today. With the collapse of the market, think of how many jobs will be lost...many of those disgruntled out of work people will join in the "fight against the rich man...against the system".
It's all the fault of the millionaires & billionaires. Oh & Wall Street. Not to say that Wall Street couldn't use a good enema, but not everything in that game is corrupt.
I was born in late 1964, so I was blissfully arrogant to the sort of crap that went on for the next decade afterward. Although, looking back at some of the history from that period, I see this whole thing coming full circle today...only with more vengance this time & with what seems to be more of a solid finality.
America = all that is bad/evil in the world today...WTF??
Sure, in the last 100 years or so, we have been slowly & systematically derailed from within, but there's no way that I will ever believe that we are the cause of even ¼ of the problems in the world today.
The meek...the silent masses...the people who still have jobs & pay their (unfair) taxes...those people (we people) need to stop taking this crap & speak out against what is being done to our country!
And lookie here, good old Sharpton is once again trying to do whatever he can to help "the cause"...anything humanly possible to undermine this country. This guy & so many others should be in prison...
December 26, 2010
If that is the plan of some master manipulators, I'm going to bet on middle America. IIRC correctly Egypt had/has chronic unemployment of 20 some percent with no real elections. We're not even close to that. I just expect the some violence will come. I'm glad I don't live in a big urban environment. And this can't bode well for the pols that represent those big urban environments even if most of the "protestors" are of liberal bent.
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