Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
So today is the last day to buy a DW in 2011... Anybody out there have one lined up for today?
Tomorrow starts the 2012 buying season .... I'll be honest, I already have a plan to buy a DW on the 5th
If I remember correctly, last year I bought the first gun of the 2011 season--on 1 Jan in Pawn--a Charter arms undercover 38.
So who's it going to be? Who's going shopping for a new toy tomorrow...?
DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009
January 24, 2009
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
Looking back over 2011, I had a really great DW year... I crossed quite a few off the list
-The consec serial number 715's for the kids
-my Monson 732
-I picked up a 722
-the 732-20 got added to the collection
-a high polish 714
-my 10mm RZ10
-and just this month another model 40
Not to mention all the 15-2's I pick up throughout the year... They are the basis of my entire DW collection.
It really is a fun time buying DW's and hanging out here with my DWF family... Even if I am the weird cousin
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
time will tell as new and old pop up! watching several and one the "weird cousin" has placed on GB! Things will change for me in 2012! My grand daughter turns 1, another grand daughter on the way by the end of this month! those 2 will keep me busy. Thinking Grand daughters first hand gun!! What should it be? Have acquired a few along the way (Dan's or like Dan's), see what comes along this year! Maybe make a trip west to visit a guy out that way and a trip east to visit another!
has helped with
just so you all know!
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