
January 24, 2009

How about it, are there any motorcycle owners here?
EDIT 2/13/15* I apologize for my broken pic links, I will try to re-constitute at a later date.
Sooo…I'm a staunch "American only" car owner, but I have caved in when it came to bikes. Though I hope to have a Buell in my not so distant future, I have owned mainly Yamaha's so far. I've currently got an old XT250 to go beating around in the hills with, a Warrior 4-wheeler, a '71 Honda CT70, and my old pal…a V-max nicknamed "Aquamax".
The Aquamax started out blue…
(my blue pic link is somehow broken, I'll replace it later)
…then graduated to black, after a little lay-down on the way to work one morning.
(crappy pic, sorry)
Being a cherished family member, he spends the off season months in a spare bedroom. HAH!
This is a current photo...
Here's the CT70 that I bought as a basket case at a yard sale 7 or 8 years ago…it literally came in two metal paint buckets & one big wooden box. It's still wearing most of it's original paint.

January 4, 2009

I used to ride.. had a Honda in 1962.. first kid in the western Suburbs of Cleveland to have a Honda... fun..the chicks dug it...that and the vette..hahaha..
Don't ride now.. My son does.. he lives in DC and is a lobbyist.. he lobby's for Motorcycle Riders Foundation... mostly safety issues with congress.. they are always sticking their noses into what should be States rights... He's also a big Dan Wesson Fan.. I just got him his first 15-2..he loves them.. he rides a HD. Used to have a Kaw. 750 back in his college days..
Since I was 12….moved to Florida in '93 and have been on this twice….she stays in the garage….tooo dangerous, too many dead people driving.
If you're going to drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Funny you mention it, the other day my wife and I were driving on a beautiful, sunny day, and she saw a (apparently) husband/ wife riding Harleys, looked at me and said “We could do that, couldn't we?”.
I think not, dear.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

My wife and I have had the same discussion only my problem is I don't have tiome for one more past time. My oldest son just got a Buell blast and loves it, he is trying to coax his mother into getting her permit to learn to ride too. He almost has her convinced. That would leave me home alone, guess more time to post here.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags


January 24, 2009

Buell Blast's are perfect beginner bikes. Not enough power to get you in trouble & they handle pretty well. The Harley dealer near me uses a fleet of those to teach riding classes during the summer.
Jody, I had a friend with that identical bike in the early 90's.
Landpanther, that's cool that your son is involved in the MRF. The less meddling by Big Brother, the better.


January 24, 2009

landpanther1 said:
Charger.. do you belong to MRF ?
I don't belong officially, but I'm involved sort of indirectly. I work for a large motorcycle dealership, so we're kept abreast of most of the happenings & I shoot off letters to our senators when problems bubble to the surface. I also join in on group rides, when a show of thundering numbers is needed.
We're sort of lucky here in Utah, the laws are a bit more lax around here than in other states. We don't have a helmet law yet, for example. I personally prefer wearing a full face helmet, but I also believe it should be the right of the individual to choose, instead of having stupid crap like that mandated on you.

December 17, 2008

Steve - funny line, yeah, "I think not dear..."
I still have a '69 Sportster that I put together and used to race around on way back when. It was fun in it's day - Black & chrome, ported and polished, cammed, joe hunt mag, no battery - just engine and go. Well, more like: kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick & go...
Couldn't tell you the last time I rode it - either the roads became too unsafe with all the cars and whacky drivers or I just got chicken as I got older.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Sorry guys I couldn't resist. Motorcycles are cool and I am glad y'all enjoy them but they break one of my main rules. ( I don't ride any thing you have to prop up with a stick when you get off). I have a motorcycle alleregy, they make me break out in road rash!! LOL LOL LOL
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officers
February 25, 2009

I had numerous dirt bikes as a kid. In 1988 I bought a leftover 1987 Yamaha XT350. I had that bike right up until a few years ago. I was 20 in '88 and all my friends and brother bought street bikes. I still loved to ride in the dirt and just didn't see a future in street bikes. I had lots of miles on that bike and most were in the dirt. In a small way I wish I still had the old girl. Memories of a better time.
The picture isn't my bike, I found that one on the net, but my bike was exactly like that one.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
~Thomas Jefferson~

Range Officers
February 25, 2009

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