July 5, 2009
The U.S. is on a slippery slope right now and is slowly slipping backwards at an increasing rate of speed...Wall Street bailouts, Nationalization of key sectors of the economy (banks, auto industry, health care industry), mandated healthcare, 16,500 new IRS agents who will have the power enforce the new healthcare laws by determining whether you have sufficient healthcare coverage, expansion of the size and power of federal government in every facet of our lives, etc. (Are you aware that the most robust part of the economy right now is in the federal government sector. Did you know that the unemployment rate in this sector is only about 4.4% Did you also know that this sector continues to receive cost of living adjustment despite the prolonged downturn in the economy. Go figure!)
What's next everyone asked. I heard Cap & Trade and amnesty for illegal immigrants. No, we were all wrong. This week our "Fearful leader" (I will no longer refer to him by his official title) decided to sign a treaty with Russia to reduce our nuclear arsenal by at least 1/3 and took nuclear retaliation off the table if we are attacked with biological or chemical weapons? What's next? You tell me! I'm sure of one thing. Whatever comes next will deal one more of many blows this President, administration and Congress has dealt this great Country in the past 15 months!
Our votes in November 2010 must be the beginning of the end of this illogical nonsense!
February 11, 2010
Someone told me awhile ago the whole mad idea is to drive everything into a deep depression, and like a controlled burn new growth will come of it. I thought then that was crazy talk, no way they would do that....not so sure now from the way things are looking. If this is the true plan how many have to suffer and burn ! It just don't make sense, you don't take on another 20 lbs when your already drowning
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