Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
Is it just me or does it bother you that websites constantly change their look? I just noted that Gunbroker has once again changed how it displays information, changing the entire look and feel of the site. I find it less interesting and harder to use than the way it's looked for the past several years. Maybe I'm just getting old but If it ain't broke, don't fix it comes to mind. The old format worked well for me and I knew how to get around the site easily. Now I have to hunt for what I want and it's not as quick or enjoyable for me.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
Dans Club
DWF Supporters
February 4, 2017
I'll make it unanimous...I spent some time trying to figure out why they did it. The site seems to hint that the change will make it more accessible via all platforms...desktop, tablet, phone...just another step in planned obsolescence I guess.
September 28, 2008
I just bought a gun before the change, like minutes before. I didn't like it the last time it was changed, but to be honest, I can't even really remember what all was changed. I don't know why they just can't leave it alone. I used to go to several news sites and they all were worthless after they totally changed them without any real warning. One had both versions up for a month, and people bitched like hell when they sent everyone a message saying the "classic style" would be gone at the end of the month.I tried to stick with it, but the changes were all bad, they slowed it down a lot, so I went away.
January 31, 2017
I'm one of those odd individuals who usually likes change, but Gunbroker screwed this one up. I don't think this is about just getting used to a new layout. They made so many compromises for compatibility with multiple devices that it's now less responsive and functional on a computer.
Not long ago I no longer could sort listings by expiration time. I thought I screwed something up. That made researching tedious. Haven't spent as much time on Gunbroker since that change. This time I realized it was not my actions. I need to spend a little time with it before I have an opinion.
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
And what is up with the values on these gunbroker listings? I cannot believe what people are trying to get for run of the mill Dan's these days. They aren't getting any bids at those outrageous levels but they are trying.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
January 24, 2009
IMO (and maybe it's just me), the recent change to GB's way of listing things reminds me of eGouge's recent couple "upgrades"...along with the most recent couple upgrades on my system at work (completely separate). Egouge fixes 2 things & regress 4~5 others in the process. It's completely stupid, and it's blatantly obvious that nobody at GB who has purchased (or looked for) guns on their site is running the show. Some 20~something kid with a "degree" is at the keyboard there.
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