November 14, 2009
I know some of you are in the snow belt and/or at higher elevations that have more snow. But us in New England are not unfamiliar with snow.
We are getting record breaking snows this winter. Since I have lived in the present house (15 years) the snow piles along the drive way and infront of the house are the highest level yet. And we still have February and March and even April when we can get more snow.
What about snow for you???
Happyness is a Hot DW and a pile of used brass!!! Rich
January 8, 2011
A friend told me that he got 8 inches in N. Alabama a week or two ago. We maybe got less than an inch in Central Alabama. It is very rare that we get more than 1-2 inches ever. I watch TV and see all the wind, ice, snow and that reminds me why I live in Alabama. I simply couldn't cope with it. It must take a fortune just to pay your heating bills. A few day each winter our temp gets down to around 15 degrees and that puts my heat pump in passing gear.
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
September 26, 2010
We are missing our snow, give it back! We are having a bad winter, very little snow we have a few inches on the ground and should have a few feet. The snowmobile is sitting in the garage instead of out on the trail.
We have the world cup biathlon coming here the first week of February and they are planing to make snow. I will be working at the shooting range as a scorer. Should be fun.
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Dans Club
February 22, 2009
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
Snow is one thing, now the ice is crashing trees. I have a couple of new brushpiles under some trees, guy across the street just lost a 10" 40 foot long limb that came within 5 feet of doing major roof damage. I can hear lots of crackling limbs, and some snapping off cleanly through the 'hood.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
January 24, 2009
After almost a month where the daily highs never went above freezing, we've finally had a break this week & lots of the white crap has melted. I can see patches of my (brown) lawn in places.
We're supposed to get a little more white crap tomorrow, but nothing major.
BTW, just so this thread doesn't go down in history as being...'s my PMA-B freezing it's butt off. 😀
January 24, 2009
January 24, 2009
January 24, 2009
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 9, 2009
More snow on the way here too, and really cold! Not quite Steve's -20, but low single digits. Tomorrow is the first day that would be available to go shooting for the first time in about 4-months and it is WAY too cold to think about it. Maybe I'll spend the day loading for warmer weather. At 30 degrees or above the range is great because you get it all to yourself, but at 6 degrees I don't venture out either.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags
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