August 20, 2019
On the other hand...I bought a Model 15-2 w/ V6 barrel and bought additional barrels for it. It had side plate ejector scratches, minor pitting on the cylinder and a trigger pull that I wasn't satisfied with. I saw a perfect 15-2 frame for sale and since I had barrels not being used, I could have another complete gun for the cost of a frame. The trigger on the frame I bought is very much better. Just the convoluted thinking of DWAS victim.
Dans Club
December 7, 2020
I "used" to be objectionable to the "Pac Busters". And, I somewhat still am as far as the spirit of what a pac is to the Dan Wesson Legacy. But then I realized, the more pacs busted, the fewer that exist. The fewer that exist, the more valuable mine are. So, I have added two more pacs in as many months.
The difficulty is, I am competing with the very people in the auctions that bust the pacs.
Dans Club
March 28, 2023
I have broken a few pacs this last year and have made some $$$$ doing it but i'm done now. There are so many gun dealers that have caught on and the market is flooded. Prices have been moving down on 15-2 and barrels on ebay. also it's hard to get rid of the frame. Also I was able to sell the frames when CZ still had 10VH barrels for sale I could put a 10VH barrel on the frame and sell it for $1100 it worked well. Just so you know I was never a big flipper I only broke 5 pacsD but no more. I have a frame sitting here now and need to sell it. I also think the Dan Wesson market is flooded with guns right now as the older generation is dying off and the kids have no interest in San Wessons so they show up in large numbers. I see the prices really going down on the regular guns and even some of the rare 40 supermags prices moving down. I think for every Dan Wesson collector/shooter that ages or goes to the great shooters range in the sky there are fewer younger shooters interested or even know the Dan Wesson story. That and a glut of low priced guns flooding the market will continue to lower prices on Dans. there are so many revolver choices between $300 and $500 why pay more for a 357 magnum. As the older Dan Wesson lover like us move on are kids or like me Nephews once I die will simply sell my guns on gunbroker. It's sad!
Dans Club
December 7, 2020
Stmstan 445 said
I have broken a few pacs this last year and have made some $$$$ doing it but i'm done now. There are so many gun dealers that have caught on and the market is flooded. Prices have been moving down on 15-2 and barrels on ebay. also it's hard to get rid of the frame. Also I was able to sell the frames when CZ still had 10VH barrels for sale I could put a 10VH barrel on the frame and sell it for $1100 it worked well. Just so you know I was never a big flipper I only broke 5 pacsD but no more. I have a frame sitting here now and need to sell it. I also think the Dan Wesson market is flooded with guns right now as the older generation is dying off and the kids have no interest in San Wessons so they show up in large numbers. I see the prices really going down on the regular guns and even some of the rare 40 supermags prices moving down. I think for every Dan Wesson collector/shooter that ages or goes to the great shooters range in the sky there are fewer younger shooters interested or even know the Dan Wesson story. That and a glut of low priced guns flooding the market will continue to lower prices on Dans. there are so many revolver choices between $300 and $500 why pay more for a 357 magnum. As the older Dan Wesson lover like us move on are kids or like me Nephews once I die will simply sell my guns on gunbroker. It's sad!
I thought you would be buried with them? If you don't care for the nephews, just leave them to me! That would not be sad at all.
Dans Club
February 24, 2013
Stan, every year in the fall the number of Dan Wessons on Gunbroker almost doubles compared to the rest of the year. That drives the prices down for a while. Good time to buy your own Xmas presents. Bad time to sell. So far I am a buy and keep forever guy but if I was to start selling I might depress the market for years.
Re Model 40s, I thought maybe folks didn't want to bid against me. I am grateful if that is a case. I have picked up a couple of those deals.
The older revolvers not being made any more have appreciated for many decades. As long as they are not being made any more. Pythons were still going up in value until CZ started making "Snake guns" again. They are not the same in fit and finish or performance. Prices of original Pythons have fallen perhaps 30% except for the rarer variants. Manurhins and Korths are now being made again but they are not the same handmade guns and cost up to twice as much. The older, better guns are selling for less than they were. It is doubtful that Dan Wesson revolvers will be made again. I suspect any softness in the market is because of Bidenomics, and high inflation impoverishing most Americans. Folks savings are used up and credit cards are maxed out. I have tradesman friends who can't get work because illegals are underbidding them by huge amounts.
The last gun buying craze was when Hillary was certain to win. Perhaps the Dan Wesson market is forecasting a Trump landslide. We will see in 12 days. Thank God, it has been the longest campaign of my life. Lastly, buy more ammo.
January 24, 2009
Definitely buy (or reload) more ammo. I think my UPS dude may be catching onto what may be in the small, but very heavy boxes that he keeps bringing me.
Ole Dog has a good point regarding the current inflation problem. Hopefully that will be rectified very soon, with this election. So far it's feeling pretty good that there will be better days ahead.
Dans Club
December 7, 2020
Ole Dog said
I think I have some. I ordered DW 360 and it came with empty DW boxes to put it in. I think I will order a bunch more. I also have 360 brass and 357 max brass. Can I send that for Reloading?
Apologies to jss227 for jacking this thread and getting away from subject
May 11, 2022
I bought a split 22 from a gentleman in Scottsdale. The frame was on gunbroker and the barrel on eBay. When I picked it up I asked why he split the revolver up. He told me got more money for them and they were easier to sell split up.
He has a ton of Dan Wessons and parts. He has a 460 Rowland.
Dans Club
March 28, 2023
He goes by bgaphx on gun broker and ebay. I called him the king of breaking packs. I don't mean that as a negative he is a FFL dealer and is smart he has been breaking packs for a while. I must admit I copied him when I started doing it but he has a big advantage being a FFL he can buy pacs without paying tax. I am done as I said can't compete with him and several other gun dealers doing it. I do believe the market is pushing down the price on barrels on ebay lately about 20% less. I have bought a few things from him and he has bought a few things from me. I tried to make a deal last year on a 32mag field PAC he would not come off his price of $2600. He knows what he is doing. A good guy all in all. I live about 25 miles from him.
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