January 22, 2008

I recently sold one of my firearms. The gun is going out of state. So I tried the Ship My Gun service that is available via Buds Gun Shop. It is a fairly simple process. Go to the web site -> ShipMyGun.com, select the ship-to FFL, fill out the necessary information, chose if you wish to insure the firearm, then pay what you owe. The following morning I received an email with a UPS Express shipping label attached. This time around the charge was $39 for shipping and an additional amount for insurance. Insurance is one dollar for each one hundred dollar value.
The receipt sent to me by Buds was showing that shipping would have been about $60 more if I would have shipped the gun on my own. My past experience with shipping firearms via FedEx bears this out. The last two times I used FedEx the cost was over $120, each time. So I guess what we are getting with ShipMyGun is essentially a UPS corporate shipping rate.
For me the biggest challenge was getting to the other side of Houston to drop off the package at a UPS Customer Service center. A UPS store could not be used because of the declared value of the firearm (or so the receipt from Buds indicated).

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

That is good info Wayne. Thanks for sharing it with us, brother. I had not even heard of the service from Bud's. Very useful since I have a Bud's location reasonably close in Lexington.
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

February 16, 2013

January 22, 2008

It appears to be available to everyone - in the lower 48 states (no shipping to/from Alaska and Hawaii). I have never purchased from Buds, or had any other dealings with them, in the past.
I was not shipping a gun to Buds or buying one from them. I was using their service to ship a gun to a member of the Dan Wesson Forum, via an FFL in his area.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

I have shipped guns for years using UPS by going to a hub. Very easy, sane insurance options. I even have an account so I can pack, and secure the box, label it and I'm done.
BTW, it is perfectly legal for you to ship to another person within your state...no FFL required. You may also ship to your self interstate without an FFL. Let's say you are going from your home in Iowa to hunt in FL, Ship to your relative/friend/whatever you will be staying at - C/O
TO: State your name
C/O Julia Roberts
Tinsel Town, USA
If you're going to drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.


DWF Supporters
May 11, 2011

wdelack said
It appears to be available to everyone - in the lower 48 states (no shipping to/from Alaska and Hawaii). I have never purchased from Buds, or had any other dealings with them, in the past.I was not shipping a gun to Buds or buying one from them. I was using their service to ship a gun to a member of the Dan Wesson Forum, via an FFL in his area.
Got the firearm, no problems. Nice service picked-up at one of their preferred FFL's. Very quick, and I got to meet this guy.
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