February 26, 2012

This has probably been discussed but my search abilities aren't working tonight. Why do some of the DW frames turn purple? I know it's blueing going to patina but why only the frame? I've seen some/most with the frame turned but the side plate not. Just puzzles me is all.
Thanks, Pecos
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.

August 29, 2009

The frames on Dan Wesson revolvers are an investment casting. One or some of the elements in the alloy used to make the casting react with the bluing over time and cause it to turn purple. The shrouds are cold rolled and I believe the side plates are machined from stock - that's why you don't see the purple tint on those parts. There have been previous discussions regarding what in the alloy is causing the bluing to turn color but I am not sure if it has ever been documented in a controlled environment. IT does appear that the composition of the base varied from lot to lot - that's why you see it on some and not on all frames.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

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