October 11, 2009
A few of the members have been having fun reminiscing about the good old days in the topic titled " A good night at the range". This question is for all the owners of Dan Wesson revolvers of this forum. When and where did you obtain your first Dan Wesson revolver? What model, configuration etc. What were your feelings and what was it like when you first shot it?
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
I posted most of this in another thread but here it is again.
Got my first DW used from a friend who had opened a gunsmith shop back in the mid 80s. The origional owner traded it in for a Ruger as he said that DW was junk and he couldn't hit anything with it. My friend, being a smith, looked at the gun and realized the old owner didn't have the barrel gap set correctly and the barrel was loose in the shroud. He knew I was looking for a good, inexpensive 357 and told me I should buy it. I doubt the gun had more than a brick or two of ammo run thru it when I bought it. It is the most accurate, fun shooting gun I've ever had. Just need a 4" barrel for it to complete the set.
BTW I think I paid about $175 for the gun frame, 6" barrel, 2.5" barrel, 8" barrel, barrel tool, two grips and a padded case. For years I thought I had a "cheap" gun. It wasn't until years later at the range that a guy came over and saw my pack and started telling me how accurate and desireable the DWs were and that should I ever want to sell it, to call him first. My friend did me a real favor steering me to the DW as my first hand gun.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
October 14, 2012
i have only
been shooting hand guns for about a year and a half, but i purchaced a used .44 off of a fellow member on Canadian Gunnutz website. i didnt realize at the time what an increddible fire arm this was! on trip to the range i was a believer! the "buttery" trigger and clean release, coupled with the barrel tensioning system etc. had me shooting groups tighter than any hand gun i have ever fired!
just recently p/u a 357 with 6" and 8" barrells, made one trip to the range with it ran a box thru it......sweetness!
looking for more revolvers/accessories now!
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<img src="/forum/general-messages/your-first-dan-wesson-revolver-1/[Image Can Not Be Found]" alt="" />
"Good Enough is seldom good, and rarely enough"
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
I'm going to throw this in to help get the recollections going:
This is the kind of Topic for everyone, your first Dan did not need to be bought NIB 30 years ago, didn't need to be your first gun,etc.
How did you stumble across your first DW, why did you buy it, etc.
(Some moron started this earlier Topic almost a year and a half ago, there have GOT to be some new stories to tell)
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
January 22, 2008
Having very recently gotten out of the Navy in 1995 I bought the first one with just the 4 inch HV barrel and the walnut target grip at a gun show. As a companion to my 4 inch Colt Peacekeeper, I just bought it because I thought the price was right and I liked the looks and the feel of it in my hand. I had remembered my Dad telling me he thought Dan Wessons were good guns though he had never had one. He was a “Smith” man through and through. When I brought it home I played with it a little and then put it up for about 5 years before ever shooting it the first time! I’ve added some accessories over time and the second one came along 15 years later in a gun show ‘even trade’ in early 2010 for a Taurus 85U/L problem child that laid down on me 3 times in less than a year. It came with the other walnut target grip, rubber Hogue grip at left & middle of the group in the pic, and the wood modified Hogue grip at bottom right. Also included was the factory tool with the yellow rubber tip covers, one of the gages and the 6 inch and 2½ inch barrels and an original ‘Dan Wesson’ naugahide soft pack. Now that was a good trade!
Gotta take some new pics, I've added just a few more accessories! You can see the older pics here. https://www.danwessonforum.com/forum/dan-wesson-small-frame-revolvers/set-of-pics-to-go-with-my-introduction/
…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project http://www.irenasendler.com/
October 11, 2009
In 1979 my Dad was a cop, all of his friends were cop's. Back then every cop carried a S&W or a Colt. I was in Tech School
and working for a local gunsmith. One day I saw an ad in a Guns and Ammo magazine for the Dan Wesson Pistol Pack. That was the coolest gun I ever saw. I showed the ad to Dad, his friends and my boss. All agreed it looked like a toy. If I wanted a real gun get a S&W. Being the rebel son I went to a new gun shop that opened in town. Sure enough they had a Dan Wesson Pistol Pack. But it was way too expensive. The dealer said he had something else I would like. It was called a Mini Pack. It was a 6 inch model 15 "Heavy Barrel' and came with an extra 4 inch "Heavy Barrel". In a Dan Wesson soft zipper pack. It had a Zebra wood grip. I was in love, my socks drew up. I bought it and took it home. Dad was very disappointed in me. 3 weeks later Dad and 3 of his friends were going out to the pistol range to practice cause qualification's were coming up. They asked if I would like to go. I brought my DW. After they were through my Dad said for me to bring that toy up. They laughed at how the cylinder opened. "That barrel won't fly off will it"? I shot a few rounds. Low and left. They were still chuckling. One of his friends who was dept champ said let me see it. He took the barrel wrench and made an adjustment to the rear sight. "May I try it? I've heard of these guns". At 25 yard's he put 6 rounds dead center in the head of a silhouette target. All 6 shots touching each other. After that they all took turns with it. "Lets try the other barrel they said". Then I put the 6 inch on it. Gave it to the champ he fired one round. Left of center and high. He made an adjustment to the sights. An even tighter group than his first. Again they took turns. Laughing at how accurate it was. We all had a great time. Later that evening I was in our basement cleaning Dads gun and my new "Toy". He picked my DW up. Looked at me, smiled and winked. Then went back up stairs. My Dads gone now, That first Dan Wesson is gone. I have a Pistol Pack. And I still have that original Soft Mini Pack case. Its not soft anymore. But it sure brings back memories.
August 7, 2012
I just got my first Dan Wesson revolver back in august. An older gentleman needed some trees cut down and cut up into firewood and one was on a barbwire fence so I also restretched and mended the fence for him. It took me a couple of hours for a couple nights since it was so hot out. He also told me he would make it worth my while to do it. When I finished and made it back to the house he hands me a Bud Light and asked how it went and thanked me cause his son was no longer in the area to help him and his saw was no longer in operating condition. He then excussed himself to go get my payment (I was expecting cash) and he came back with a 15-2 with a 6in vent heavy barrel. Said he had other revolvers and no longer shot this one, and that I looked like I was in need of one. I love shooting this thing and for a little bit of fuel and a dull chain I feel that I faired very well and that gentleman feels that he fair very well getting the work done and knowing that he gave that old Dan a good home.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
All of us have a story! Thanks for the these so far and be sure to look at the other links posted.
Well my older brother bought a w12 pac in the mid 70's... Fast forward to 1999, with all the doomsdayers saying all was going to break loose I talked my middle brother out of his 15-2 8" nothing fancy but it works. A few years later my brother passed away, at what we considered a young age. I placed the Dan away seeing what would happen with his estate. In the end it became mine, now it has a few others to hang around with...
Kinda crazy he gave me box with 2 extra Ba's, We pulled the out a few years ago and discovered the pork chops 2" and 4".
Now with Pork, 15's, W's, D's, even a couple HS, oh and the Mitchels... ya just never know what will happen.
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