January 24, 2009
I had to pull the stuffin' out of mine, to check for any stamped dates...none. There is a yellow chalk line on both halves, but no date.
The only thing I can surmise then, is that they had a bunch of these cases stockpiled. This has been an enlightening thread, nice work guys!
Oh & great lookin' Pac, Alan!
April 12, 2009
There is a black line across the inside of this case and actually two rubber stamp dates, one says Feb 12,1970 and another one says Feb 16, 1970 This kind of stuff use to drive me crazy in my prior life of restoring muscle cars. I was usually only able to get the correct answers by reading articles by or talking to people that actually worked at the factory at that time. Thanks again everyone.
January 24, 2009
Ok, now TWO dates is just unfair! LOL
I wonder if the different dates were put on when the outer clamshell was stamped, before they were fitted into the aluminum frames & hinges were riveted on?
I could see the lines being swiped on after they were inspected for size & given approval.
Hmmm...another car guy, huh? I'm beginning to notice a trend around here, regarding musclecars & DW's.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 9, 2009
April 12, 2009
Well it looks like a year of manufacture is a tough one. Still hoping someone has a suggestion for improving double and single trigger action.Someone on the forum suggested wolff springs at 7 1/2 lbs. I don't suppose anyone has a 10″barrell they want to part with? Also was there a certain % of pistols that were made into pistol pacs.SMF it appears that your pistol and mine were made at least within days of each other COOL. Could you give the facts on your piece. THANKS
December 17, 2008
We'll keep working the serial number Vs year of manufacture. Mid eighties is a safe bet for now, but we'll narrow it down over time.
On the trigger: Check these articles from the 1978 American Handgunner (a couple of my favorites). There are some suggestions in there and a reference to Grant Cunningham who is famous for DW action jobs. It's under the Archive tab, articles - but here's the link:
Priceless info and a great article by Masaad Ayoob. I would download, print and keep 'em in your DW notebook.
BTW, my brown case for the '41 mag has a yellow marking stick line across the inside of lid (left to right, not top to bottom) - but no stamp.
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