January 4, 2015

Afternoon all, I may have done something stupid which wouldn't be a first!
I have a couple of long arms, some brass and another handgun sitting with an export agent to ship South of the Equator once a rifle I am having built is completed, so whilst browsing Gun Broker, with not the first amber beverage of the evening (a bit before midnight local time) in hand, I came across this fine example of American craftsmanship:
With less than hour to go and sort of thinking/hoping someone will outbid me, I thought what the heck, why not?
Probably paid too much but have always had a hankering for DW after fond memories spending a day with a friend's DW shooting silouette back in 84~85 .
So learned DW folk, what can you tell me about this particular example, Model 40 with serial E004874, I am familiar with the cartridge, so more along the lines of what tools and spares should I get sent to my agent of before exporting. I have plenty of max brass.
I have already shot EWK an email as well. I definitely need a spanner (missing from the purchase) and likely a barrel nut as well from the looks of the photos.
All the best from Downunder.
Pedro. Newcastle NSW Australia.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Welcome to the forum from 040 degrees north latitude! (PA) You must have done the export/import thing before since you have an exporter lined up and know how the process works, that's great.
You bought a very nice example of the model 40 in 357 Rem. Max (Supermag). I've had that gun on my watch list for a few cycles just watching. It seemed in excellent condition. It would have been a bit expensive in our market here in the eastern US but considering where you are located, and how scarce these are, I think you did fine.
As to what you need spares wise, a couple spare barrel nuts and a barrel wrench would be good. You may want to get a few different grips, maybe a Hogue rubber finger grip so you have some selection to fit your hand. Maybe a few spare sight blades and a grip screw but nothing major. It already has the spare barrel tube and doesn't appear to have been used too much so the two barrels should last a long time.
Can you tell us a little about your gun restrictions down under? I think I read that you have to keep the gun at a shooting club when not in use. Just curious.
Thanks for dropping by. If you have any questions or just want to chat about guns or life in general there is a forum here to do it.
Oh, we love pictures, so post up some pics of the gun when you get it in your hands. And a range report when you try her out.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

Looks like a prime example of DW ingenuity. I think Scorpio nailed it down on extras. to
From Kentucky.
and as previously mentioned, we do love some
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

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