November 6, 2010

I have had a respect for 744 for 30 years. I have finally got one purchased, and with seller honesty will be in possession soon! (gun broker) Back thirty years I remember………. a guy shooting free hand 3 inch groups at 50'. Not bad for dumb kids (High school) who "borrowed" uncle Bob's pistol. I went thru much anxiety and grief to steal moms car and then the gun and buy gas on my paper route wages and then drive to a remote place where no one I thought would be around. aaaa those were the days. The guy nhoj trebla aka my buddy John would not even let me shoot. dagnabbit!
.44 Mag is still great

Range Officer

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Dans Club
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January 24, 2009

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November 17, 2008

October 26, 2010

Welcome to the forum,
Being a new member myself I can share with you the anxiety of "seller honesty".
I recently bought a Dan Wesson 725V .357 6" revolver. Sent payment this am next day delivery to the seller who stated he will mail me the weapon 3 day deliver as soon as he receives payment.
I also bought it at gunbroker.com.
Congratulations on the awesome 744.
Will post my pics once I receive it and get it cleaned nice and pretty, hopefully youll post some as well.
Again, welcome.
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that's good" – George Washington
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