I will start off by saying I love to shoot. I like rifles as long as we can keep the target out to the 600 yard and longer shots. I love my 45 Gold Cup and used to shoot on several teams. I like bowling pin, Bulls eye, and anything that is competitive. Which brings me to my reason for being here.
I have had this Dan Wesson for many many years now, and dont know much about it , except it shoots very acurate. I bought it many years ago and it just sits and watches me. I will try to upload some pics, if i can. I do know it says Monson Mass and serial is SB 005161.. I cant find anything on the SB part of the serial.. it is a 44 mag and is in the original bax with the second barrel. I cannot find a model number. but i am thinking of selling it and I want to know more about it before i decide to sell it... I had an offer of 800.00 but it seemed as though he was a bit anxious to get it,,,, so i figured to ck it out first
Ok i tried to post a picture, but no luck,,, will keep working on it


January 24, 2009

Lookie there, another one of them thar Texans! Welcome aboard.
It sounds like your gun is a model 744. Is it stainless & what sort of barrel does it have? You could cruise through our "pics" thread & see if anyone has posted one like yours. https://www.danwessonforum.com/?page_id=3/revolvers/post-pics-of-your-guns
Actually, unless it's some super special .44, that guy's offer is probably pretty good. Maybe he's just a big DW fan & is way excited at the prospect of finally owning one.


January 24, 2009

Woops, I see I must have taken forever to write my post above. There weren't any replies when I first started typing. LOL!
Pics can't be loaded to this site directly, they have to be hosted from somewhere like Photobucket, or similar. Here's a how-to thread;

February 4, 2009

Welcome steve1871, from another Austinite.
I haven't seen this post until this morning so I haven't checked my serial # yet- I will check when I get home.
Does your 44 look like this, only with a longer barrel? The pic is bad but it should give us an idea of what you have.
[Image Can Not Be Found]


January 24, 2009

I want to say thanks to everyone for their help. You helped me to know more of what i have..... As for Crazy , yes a little, but my days of shooting are kinda running down. I have my 45 for the house and my snipers rifle a M110 just sold my L96... Now i will sell my Dan Wesson. reason I am crazy, is i started a ministry group riding motorcycles. We travel the roads and are there to help who we can... The money i get frm my sales has gone to keeping the lights on for one lady, to paying the rent far a couple who just lost their job, to getting my motorcycle replaced to continue my work (Cycle was Stolen) So crazy, yes but it is worth it.
Thanks again for the help of everyone
(I used to be able to shot the wings off a fly at 50 yards, now I have to let him land)
PS my favorite show was "Have Gun Will Travel" Palidin

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I admire you for giving up the things you love to help minister to the needs of others, and we know those needs will only grow. The hard times coming are going to require more good people like you. Thanks for sharing about yourself.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Thanks for the kind words. It is hard to stay on task, but i will surviive....
Now for the funny part... I got on here to find out what model my Dan Wesson was , right,,, Well last nitght my wife comes in and asks what i am doing. Told her chating on the forum about Dan Weson's and learning,,,,, well nosing around from behind me she asks me are you selling the 44,,, and I said thinking about it,,,, a pause and all of a sudden I here her say Dan Wesson model 744 VH with vent rib and bull Barrel,,,,,, I said how did you know that, I just found out from the guys on the site it was a 744...... Her reply,,, Was "Honey on the end of the box it tells all about it ,,,, see sn and model and Patents"
My only reply was , Yep , I was checking to see if the gouys on the web site knew that! She left the room and I grabed the box, sure enough it is there,, halfway down the stairs I hear her say,"Give me a break, wont stop for directions and dosent read the box, MY husband"
Ok i know you are going to grab this and post it other places,,, so i might as well give permission up front. Besides it good for us to laugh.
But really, I was ! just testing ya....
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