April 27, 2022

Looking for some specific information (advice) on changing out the sites on my Razorback with something a little more twilight freindly (night sites). Been searching for a couple years now and the more I look the more confused I've become. I've done this on at least four of my other pistols but short of sending it off to a pro I'm thinking this may be over my head. I don't know exatly what year my Razor back is but I'm sure I could find out.... except I tried to for half a day today and couldn't. That will detirmine which sites I need. ....sort of. Seems like I may still have the front dove tail fitted. Over my head. I would not be opposed to sending it off to have a pro do but who is one I can trust and not cost the same as a new pistol? Anybody know how, where, who I can get some tap in sites for this? ...or who I could send it to that would do it for a "C" note or or one and a half?

DWF Supporters
July 12, 2020

Welcome to the forum from PA! What are the starting 2 digits of your serial #? I can try to date the gun for you (maybe). You can send the slide to Dawson's, Novak's, or back to DW, any of them can handle this task. The labor shouldn't be too much so I guess the main $ would be in what sights you choose.

DWF Supporters
July 12, 2020

It's a 2015 model. This is the year they went from a Springfield cut to a Novak style cut on the front sights. Judging from the higher 68xx in the serial # I would guess it was a later year model and probably has the Novak cut front sight. Is the rear sight fixed or adjustable?

April 27, 2022

So you think If I buy the Novaks, I can do this with a pair of vice grips, a Cresent wrench and a hammer? (JK) I can dive that front pin out and I have (had) a site pusher, (lent it out some time ago and have no clue where it's at now). My big concerns were getting the right sites and not having to file/fit the dove tail cuts to fit the sites.
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