DWF Supporters
February 25, 2014

Hello all, new member and new owner of what must be either a 14, or 14-2. Being a porkchop, makes me think 14, but maybe some of you can help with the ID. The serial is:4167x.
Have been a rifle shooter for years, but due to a shoulder injury, don't do much of that any more. I have shot pistols but never owned any till now. In my younger days, ( 70's) I was impressed with Dan Wessons. Thought if I ever got a pistol, thats what I would get. Well, it took a while, but it's here now. I have been reading this forum for days, and have found a wealth of info, thanks to all for that.I already bought a barrel nut wrench and feeler gauge and hex keys from EWK. The gun has been torn down, cleaned, and oiled, so she is ready to go to the range and give me a fun day.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

DWF Supporters
February 25, 2014

Well folks, I finally made it to the range to test this ole gun out. She works just fine, the only issue being my lack of experience with revolvers. The only other negative was running out of ammo sooner then I wanted to. It proved to be the most accurate with the hardest ammo to shoot that I had. Though it was not hard to shoot. I managed a 6 shot group of 2 1/2" at 25 yards, if you take away the one errant trigger pull, it would be 5 shots in 1 3/4" with 158 gr. hornaday JHP .357's. Not bad for a rookie. I must say that was my best but hopefully, with more practice, I will consistently be able to do it. Bottom line, I am very happy with this gun, and I am sure there will be more in my future.
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