September 4, 2019

I just bought a DW 715 - new. I am going to use it for target shooting and competition. I searched around on the Forum, looking for any loading advice, probably using 38s. No luck. Maybe because I haven't figured it out yet. Has anyone found the "perfect" ammo for the 715?



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Welcome to the DWF. I don't shoot 38s in .357s as a rule due to carbon buildup in the cylinder and leading in the throat if you aren't shooting jacketed bullets. .357 in the 15-2 is not hard to handle... good luck and good shooting.
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

February 22, 2017

Welcome. Nice choice, I don't reload, but there are those on this forum who do and some can probably make some suggestions. In fact, you might want to ask your question in the Reloading, Gunsmithing and Grip Making forum under the Gun Talk section.
10 Dans and counting...

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Welcome to the Forum!
I always use .357 brass to avoid powder buildup in the cylinder. I like Trail Boss powder for short range target shooting and when I shoot steel challenge. Just follow the manufacturer's recommended loads. When loaded to the max recommended they still perform like the .38 factory load.
I prefer 158 grain semi-wadcutters, plated, coated or jacketed. They pretty well eliminate any issue with leading of the barrel.

September 4, 2019

Thank you for the welcome and information.
I've been using Clays and Titegroup for my Smith 357. The Trail Boss sounds good. It will certainly slow the bullets down.
One other question. I was looking around for a leather belt holster for the DW, unfortunately I need a left hander. Haven't found one that will be worthy of holding the DW. I've tried Etsy and the major leather holster makers without luck.
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