December 30, 2008

Hello to my DW bretherin. I bought my first DW revolver back in about 1980; a 15VH in 6in. Did some trigger work on it, hunterd and shot targets and was really fond of it.
Fifteen years later in a moment of stupidity, I sold it to a colleague because it was mostly just sitting in my safe. Within 6 months I deeply regretted it and tried to buy it back. No go.
That loss ate at me for over a decade until I bought another a couple years ago- a little older than my original. Then I bought a 2 1/2 in barrel, and am looking for others. Sure love that pistol!
I've very active in shootintg IDPA and USPSA with semi-autos, but am thinking of bringing "my Dan" to a shoot to give her a go. - EB

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I bought my first DW (it was also my first firearm) about 30 years ago, kept through all those years, even during an extended period where I did no shooting. I recently gave it to my son, and he knows to NEVER let it out of the family. Welcome to DWF.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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