January 24, 2019

I'm a new member, that just joined the site. My name is Tommy and I live in Huntsville Alabama. I've recently purchased a gorgeous Dan Wesson 44 Magnum, with 3 VH barrels in 8", 6", and 4". I don't have any problems swapping out the 8" or the 6", and setting the .006 clearance at the forcing cone. There seems to be an issue with the 4" though. It doesn't have the same number of threads on the barrel, where it screws into the frame. About an 1/8 of an inch short of the barrel sleeve, unlike the 6" & the 8" that have threads all the way into the barrel sleeve. The 4" barrel stops screwing into the frame before it comes through the breach side, due to not enough threads on the barrel. Seems like this barrel doesn't belong with this revolver or sleeve. I can't find anything on the subject. Can anyone tell me why? Did the make it different for another year? Did it just not get made correctly? Definitely don't want to shoot the 4"er, without being able to run it down to the proper clearance.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

10magnums said
I have not looked at thread length on both ends of a barrel, but you might want to check and make sure the barrel nut was not screwed on to the wrong end of the barrel.
Actually, pretty common. I even have a 41 Maggie that has a forcing cone cut at both ends...no good for accuracy. Can't believe a previous owner didn't bother to look at the other end....
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
You say the ports on the barrel tube line up with the ports on the shroud? Are there only 2 holes in the tube too? If so, it sounds like someone's poor attempt to make a real ported barrel instead of the "Power Ports" of a Dan Wesson 44 mag. There should be I I think, 6 holes in a factory tube. They don't necessarily line up with the shroud ports. I suspect the barrel is threaded to stop in line with the shroud openings. Not factory. If it will not close the cylinder gap to 6 thousandths or less it is probably not a good idea to use it. I would order a new one from DW or EWK. BTW, .002 is better for the large frames. The cylinder face is more evenly perpendicular on the large frames and the cylinder does not expand after a couple of cylinders like the 357 small frame.

January 24, 2019

It actually does have multiple ports, all the way around the barrel. Probably 6 or 7 of them. I'll take a picture of the 4" and 6" barrels, without the shroud, when I get back to the house. I've read the same about closing the gap to .002ish. on the tightest face of the cylinder. Figured I'd get my Go-No-Go feeler gage at the range. I'd hate to buy another barrel, but if I have to I will, but I'd only use the 4" for carry, if my target was in close proximity. I own the shroud, so of course I want a barrel for it. May take it to a local gunsmith to see if it can be threaded the rest of the way up. I'd still like to know what I have.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Range Officer


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Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I agree with Rwsem, get a non ported barrel. The power control concept was a good idea, very poorly executed. They did little to tame muzzle rise and they filled the shroud with carbon, powder residue and bullet shavings, making shroud removal a real chore and sometimes impossible.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Welcome to the Forum!
Certainly looks like a factory error. Also interesting that it is stainless rather than blue. I agree that it is better not to shoot the "power control" barrel. Get a regular barrel from the factory or EWK. The factory error might be worth more to a collector in the (far) future.
Incidentally, your 8 inch barrel shroud is a V not a VH.
Nice looking set. I do like the 8V more than the VH for shooting. The extra weight of the VH is not needed and the V handles better for me.
My favorite 44 shroud is the 6VH. It is the most comfortable for me.
Shoot and enjoy!

January 24, 2019

Thank you everyone for your in put. Okay I'll go with y'all's advise. Would like to find a barrel only, for the 4" sleeve I have, but I will not be using this one. I believe the frame came with the VH 6". The V 8" ( thanks snake-eye ) and the VH 4" we're someone's attempt to build a set. The V 8 doesn't have the "power control" ports, but is a stainless barrel in a blue sleeve. I fits just fine. I just put the 6" VH on. Think I'll play with this one for right now.
Yes. Planning on shooting and enjoying.

August 8, 2016

Tragona said
Here is the picture of the two barrels. The one on top is the barrel in question. Why doesn't the threats continue as far as the other?
Tragona said
Thank you everyone for your in put. Okay I'll go with y'all's advise. Would like to find a barrel only, for the 4" sleeve I have, but I will not be using this one. I believe the frame came with the VH 6". The V 8" ( thanks snake-eye ) and the VH 4" we're someone's attempt to build a set. The V 8 doesn't have the "power control" ports, but is a stainless barrel in a blue sleeve. I fits just fine. I just put the 6" VH on. Think I'll play with this one for right now.Yes. Planning on shooting and enjoying.
You’re in luck. EWK only has the 4" 44 mag barrels in stock. Short money.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

May 27, 2014

Just a quick follow up to "Ole Dog's" comment on spacing. He is spot on at .002. I have put enough rounds down wind to get enough heat built up to hinder rotation, but it takes a bunch! By that time you will want to give your wrist a break anyway. I have a few .002 shims made by DW, but I think they were made for prototypes and testing. Never seen one included in a box or a pac.
Also, snake eye caught the first thing I saw when I viewed the pics. Stainless barrel. Makes no sense, but stuff gets broken up, worn out, and folks just buy what they need and go on. I think the composition of the barrel is a big clue to the difference, but I am not knowledgeable enough to say what it means.
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