January 13, 2012

I was so pumped about this Forum when I first found it soon after I got MY Christmas present (a Model 15-2 Pac) that I rudely started posting without introducing myself. Allow me to do so now.
I live in Ventura County, California, schooled in Oregon (Go, Beavers) and Texas (Gig' em, Aggies). I've been a shooter most of my life and was a hunter for part of it. Still an active thrower of flies (fish fear me, but few others do). I have two grown sons (29 and 28) both of whom shoot and are actively looking for DW's, thanks to this ridiculous thing called Dan Wesson Acquisition Syndrome. They have lurked the Forum but they too will join when they get their Dan's, I suspect. I currently have two Dan revolvers - the aforementioned 15-2 Pistol Pac and a more recently acquired 715 (which makes me go goo-goo-eyed) - and an assortment of other hand-held devices by different manufacturers.
I am grateful for all the intelligent and insightful advice given here, and given freely without judgment, sarcasm or ill will. This is a great resource to check out and to support!
That's all from this neck o' the woods.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

January 13, 2012

Thanks, guys, I've always felt nothing but welcome, actually!
As for pics, I've got some coming soon. I kinda went nuts on the grip thing and got some Pachy's and other shapes (like the CCW). And, for the ultimate, I've got a beautiful rosewood "LB Special" coming from Mr. Bruce himself (who's kind welcome is first above). As soon as that little family addition arrives, I'll put up some shots of my pieces wearing their new stuff.
Thanks again, you guys truly know your stuff -- this place rocks.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009


January 24, 2009

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