July 19, 2008

hello again dan wesson fans! i wrote earlier about my model 745, well i did'nt have any manual w/ the gun,so i went on line. i finally found out how to dissasemble my 745. the first thing i learned was"push out the pin holding the hammer in place." then you can release the catch behind the trigger guard!(betchya i aint the only one made that mistake). it went back togeather (after a few tries). but ya know what, i would'nt trade it for any other brand out there! by the way ya know what else DW stands for? no? damn wrench!

July 19, 2008

hello again dan wesson fans! i wrote earlier about my model 745, well i did'nt have any manual w/ the gun,so i went on line. i finally found out how to dissasemble my 745. the first thing i learned was"push out the pin holding the hammer in place." then you can release the catch behind the trigger guard!(betchya i aint the only one made that mistake). it went back togeather (after a few tries). but ya know what, i would'nt trade it for any other brand out there! by the way ya know what else DW stands for? no? damn wrench!
I think you might end up getting kicked off this site if you keep flashing that picture around! I guess this gives me reason to keep hitting the gun shows...
PythonBill, I have a Palmer 738p and the fit and finish is not up to par with the Monson guns. This is my only experence with the Palmer guns. I like this little gun and picked it up since it's the only one I have seen before. I got this one off of GunBroker but not sure I would do that again if it's a Palmer gun. I think I would want to see it in person first.

July 19, 2008

thanks guys: yeah, i got a palmer gun,&yeah the fit&finish could b better,but its a dan wesson 745,& it eats all other brands 4 lunch! remember,even palmer made dws were cleaning clocks at metalic sillouetts!(oh god i hope i spelled that right)!?lol....by the way i got a colt python 6" & (honest now), i like my dan wesson a little bit more! ..er,..i mean better! (damn i auto b a gun writer)! lol.......

January 22, 2008

Here is a little more toture...
The 745 and my 44.
I used to have a Python 6" but someone decided they liked it more than me. The police never recovered it. The bad part of living in a big city! One day I'll talk myself into laying out the cash for another Python, as it is one of the must haves in any collection.

July 19, 2008

yeah wdelack, get a python while you can. the prices,especially on the internet,are unbelievable! even my colt officers model special w/6in. bbl. python grips,&in 98% condition,are going for as much as 1,200-1,500$.thats just nuts! i wish colt would get back in the double action revolver business!(by the way,if you want a classic handgun get a s&w model 57 .41 mag. in blue w/ 4-6in. bbl.,same gun as the model 29, but going for less than 1/2 the asking price of the 29!) thats my next purchase!

January 22, 2008

The Dan Wesson values are starting to approach that of the Pythons. A model 40 just poped up on the web site of a local dealer...asking price is a bite under $1k, yikes!
I'm still on the hunt for a low mileage model 22 (or 722) and would like to find a model 22M as well (has anyone ever seen a 22M?). Might as well add a model 460/7460 to the wish list too. You can see the Python might be some years down the road.
I haven't tried carrying any of my large frame DWs. I have herd a S&W model 29 holster will work. Here is the URL to Bianchi's web site -> http://www.bianchi-intl.com/

January 22, 2008

My wife and I were riding motorcycles around Colorado in late May and stopped in at a place called Nimrods Guns in a the little town of Florissant. The owner had a new looking S&W model 57 in the case, which he said was a rare version. S&W has too may models/variations for me to keep up with so I had to take his word on it. Owners name is Rick Fisk at 719-784-4733, if your interested.
I was wondering the same thing about the 22M and 722M. I have never seen them listed on any of the auctions or boards I read. I'm sure there's one or two out there...
So far Dan Wesson's for sale locally don't seem to be priced to high. Guess I just need to keep checking the shops from time to time.
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