DWF Supporters
June 20, 2010

Thought I had better formally introduce myself. I have been lurking around this board for a bit and I think I have caught something. I've had a 15-2 pistol pac for about 29 years and dutifully went out and shoot it a few times a year to stay in practice. Then just recently I stumbled across this board. I ended up winning the B-Square mount auction (sorry zoommb if I remember properly). Then I thought, I need a backup frame for my DW, no reason to have those extra barrels laying around, and GB just happen to have some pacs being parted out ..... Well, you probably know the symptoms.... So here I am.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

DWF Supporters
June 20, 2010

SHOOTIST357 said:
Well welcome to the
… Nice to see the disease spreads so quickly ! So where in CO are you? I'm in the Springs.
Glad to be here. I'm west of Boulder in unincorporated Boulder County. At about 8200 feet.
Hey Shoot, did you donate that B-Square mount, or was it Supermagfan? (seems like it was one of you, or maybe Charger Fan, it was a while ago). Worked out well, had to dremel two corners down that were "bunched up" and then it fit perfectly.


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Welcome Headmaster. We're glad to have you here and glad to see how quickly you were infected with DWAS.
I used to live in a subdivision out east on Baseline Road called Frazer (sp) Meadows. That's a nice area to live in.
You might want to limit your access to GB; it can be very expensive.

DWF Supporters
June 20, 2010

Hi zoommb. Yea, I think it is Frasier Meadows. Pretty cool how people have been in each others "neck of the woods". I spent a year in Chicago and another in Orland Park if you know where those are. Ahh, , I'm guessing u know where Chicago is, LOL.
I also spent one year in Roswell, GA, which looks like about a hundred miles away from lbruce.
Photo, we were close to the fire, but not evacuated. Fortunately (for us) the fire was moving away from us. Are you in CO?

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Headsmaster said:
Pretty cool how people have been in each others "neck of the woods". I spent a year in Chicago and another in Orland Park if you know where those are. Ahh,
, I'm guessing u know where Chicago is, LOL.
Yeah, I've heard of both of them.
Glad you escaped the fire.
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