June 2, 2010

i have a dwa 15-2 purchased in 1976. imprinted on the revolver: DAN WESSON ARMS MONSON MA USA (serial # 7720X). On the barrel- DAN WESSON ARMS 357 MAGNUM CTG.
I have the original cardboard box it came in on the side of the box it reads the previous info plus bright blue finish.
I have a 4 in barrel and an 8in barrel and the wrench that came with it. in the box there is also a small shiny metal piece about an inch long by 1/2 in wide. i have a DWA retail price sheet from feb 2, 1976, warranty card, parts list, a list of important changes dated 4/1/76, and a color DWA firearm pamphlet.
The pistol is in very good if not excellent condition.
*No vented barrels
*adjustable rear sight
I was wondering if anyone had any info on this revolver. I have looked at thousands of dwa revolver pics and have not found one that looks like one i have. especially the grip. Im 99.9% sure its the original grip it has nothing printed on it, and has a dull finish (like oringinal wood grip, no shine). If anyone can give me any info i would greatly appreciate it ie value, year, etc.

January 22, 2008

Hi Jake, and to the
A picture of your revolver will help a lot. Though from your description, it sounds like you have an early model. The model 15 evolved over time to a model 15-1, then model 15-2. The "small shiny metal piece" is a feeler gauge; it's used to set the barrel to cylinder gap.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

to the
Your dull finish grip sounds interesting. They used an "oil" finish on the early Porkchop grips (like the ones in my signature pic), but I don't know if I've seen that finish used on the later 15-2 style guns. Here is a thread showing some of the different grip & wrench styles…but give your computer time to load, there's a TON of pics in this link.
We'd sure love to see some of yours, when you can.

June 2, 2010

Steve CT said:
Looks like this?
Number 7261x purchased in 1977, this is the original grip, and I have never seen another like it. Is your wrench a flat stamped piece with a separate hex headed nut with the barrel spud and tabs for the barrel nut?
Hey steve ct that is prettty darn close to what i have... same exact finish w that screw hole on the bottom of the grip, but, on mine, where the grip meets the frame the grip is slightly different, the thumb groove on mine is more dramatic than yours.
*** i will post pics this evening
as for the wrench, you are exactly right
i know this is stupid w/out pics but i have to wait for my woman to come home and help me post some pics she has the usb cord. thanks a million guys this is really interesting.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Jake- is this a little closer?
This is on what used to be a Model 14-2 that was refinished at some point in time. The base of the grip flares out less, but it does have a more pronounced thumb swell.
Words to the wise-be very careful using that wrench. My original one had a tendency to slip out of the barrel nut, and eventually it required a trip back to the (original) DW factory because it rounded out the slots in the barrel nut.
Buy the EWK wrench for actually removing the barrel nut. The factory originals (all of them, including the plastic ones) are for SHOW, the EWK wrench is the one for everyday use.
BTW-Don't make us put you on "picture probation"
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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