
DWF Supporters
June 11, 2016

Welcome to the Forum from Wisconsin. If you are looking for purchasing Pistol Packs they are on the auction websites such as Gun Broker or Guns International as Dan Wesson no longer makes them. If you are looking for general information then this is the right place lots of knowledge here.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Dan Wesson went through two bankruptcies. After a bankruptcy the ATF collects all the serial number records of all the firearms ever manufactured by that business entity. Those bankruptcies happened pre digital age. Those records are in Warehouse 13, whose location is Top Secret. The forum has compiled a registry of serial numbers and dates purchased by first owners and accompaning paperwork in an attempt to answer those questions. There are no accurate figures. There are articles on the internet that interview Dan Wesson and others that have a smattering of information.
There are a lot of folks that are called pack breakers. Less now that the price of packs has soared, but many packs have been broken up and sold by the piece on eBay and GunBroker.com. Those sellers are providing a service to gun owners who cannot afford a pack but will build one over time or want more accessories. I have built a number of packs piece by piece but if you over pay for pieces it would be more economical to buy a, whole pack. Most packs for sale on line have been created this way. Original packs tend to have the full compliment of accessories and the label on the pack matches the serial number of the gun. Some folk have counterfeited the labels. An original pack has 4 barrel lengths with matching shrouds in most cases. They will have a belt buckle, patch, tool appropriate for the date of manufacture, manual and brochure, warrenty card, and a manila envelope with two white and two yellow front sights. Red inserts on the 4 barrels. They came with 2 grips. One was usually a target, either checkered or smooth, walnut or zebra, and one of the other wood shapes. Often a finger groove but rubber Hogue or Pachmyer grips were added afterward unless the Pachy had DW medallions. I may have left some info out but others will add to the description perhaps.
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