July 23, 2010

New to me, have not been to the range yet.
Serial 96xxx Monson
I don't recall my 1st DW 357 (mid 70s, long since gone) having an overtravel screw, but maybe my memory has failed on that over the years?
Have read through, but remain uncertain about model designation.
1. Can anyone ID the grip's logo in the pic?
2. The wrench is not like my 1st one - it's a two piece deal.
3. The hammer differs from most DWs I've seen pictured.
4. Sight adjustment is with hex, not slotted screws
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Suggestions on who should look over the internals to determine if previous owner(s) has mucked about inside?

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Welcome to the forum!
Also the wrench you have there from the transitional period when they phased out the external barrel nut. Guess they had a few of the old style wrenches on hand so they came up with what you have as a way to use up the inventory. After that they switched to the one piece wrench.
If you want to send it to a gunsmith to have it checked out you could send it back to Dan Wesson for service or to Mike Heffron at Heffron Firearm Classics.
Enjoy the site!


January 24, 2009

Hello andto the
Congrats on your DW find, you've found a nice one!
Regarding your questions, this is what I know so far…
Model designation) That should be a 1979~ish Model 15-2.
1) Shoot hit it right, those grips are from the High Standard Sentinel MK II & III guns (built for HS by DW for about 2½ years). Here are a pair of HS grips with a Sentinel…
2) Jody answered the wrench question…but I'll add that sometime later, DW staked (peened) the two pieces together. I believe that some owners at the time were having problems with the outer wrench part slipping out of the insert piece. I think that was the remedy.
3) As Shoot stated, that appears to be a standard issue 15-2 hammer.
4) Of course, that's what makes it a DW! Hex screws were considered 'a step above' back then & that was one of their selling points…the 'other guys' used flat blade screws.
One thing that you haven't stated is that your gun has a pinned front sight. Those were pretty much only used for the first year of the 15-2 manufacture…although since your gun is in the 96xxx range, in my (current) unsubstantiated opinion, I believe that someone in the past has also changed the barrel shroud with an earlier piece. I think your gun was made sometime in or after 1977, when the interchangeable front sights were released. I've been trying to determine for a while when the pinned sights changed to the interchangeable ones & so far the earliest s/n I have on an interchangeable one is #71530 (probably with incorrect grips)…
…and I've got a shot of #75226 which came along not too long after, with adjustable sights. I'm not trying to say anything derogitory about your gun, merely posting this for your own info.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

My #7261x 15-2 is a 1977 gun with exactly that barrel wrench, the same rear sight, and interchangeable front sight. I would agree that the barrel shroud has probably been swapped out. If I recall correctly, this one also had the overtravel screw in the trigger.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

July 23, 2010

Many thanks all, for the welcome and the info! As I keep my eyes open for a 4" bbl/shroud I will watch for the interchangeable front sight option.
Local shop had a 4" 357 but it sold before I got back there, and the 6" shown was in it's place in the used gun display case. I've seen a wide range of prices online but by the time I would have had to add shipping and my local shop's fee for the transfer I feel ok with paying < $400 right out of the local shop's used inventory.
Now it remains to find a 44 with a 4" or 6" bbl.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

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