November 13, 2023

Hi, I just purchased my first dan wesson, a used Model 15-2 at an auction. Probably not in the greatest condition, with worn bluing and some rust that I had to bust and clean up. But it seems to be a real champ. doesnt seem to have any real cylinder wiggle and timing seems to be ok. I can hear the first click when slowly pulling the trigger but i never hear the second click of the cylinder being locked BUT it does in fact lock and stop rotating before the hammer drops. I can watch the catch fall into the groove and if i try to turn the cylinder, it doesnt move. Is it normal or worth worrying that i cant audibly hear the second click? Its monson era, 5 digit serial starting with 83XXX If any of that matters
Also is there anything i should look for pr keep an eye out for? Anything susceptible to breaking or having issues?



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

Welcome to the Forum. Lots of info here. You can spend hours researching all about Dan Wessons, especially maintenance, cleaning etc.
If you don't already know - it is important to keep an eye on the gap between the barrel and the cylinder. You should have a gap gauge (.006 inch) and a tool for the barrel nut. Powder residue will build up on the front of the cylinder as you fire rounds and eventually can block the movement of the cylinder.
Feel free to ask any questions. We love to provide answers.

November 13, 2023

snake-eye said
Welcome to the Forum. Lots of info here. You can spend hours researching all about Dan Wessons, especially maintenance, cleaning etc.If you don't already know - it is important to keep an eye on the gap between the barrel and the cylinder. You should have a gap gauge (.006 inch) and a tool for the barrel nut. Powder residue will build up on the front of the cylinder as you fire rounds and eventually can block the movement of the cylinder.
Feel free to ask any questions. We love to provide answers.
have to check that out. Im not sure what its set at since it didnt come with a gapper or barrel nut removing tool. Whats the best after market replacement for them?
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