March 1, 2014

Howdy from Seattle,
Went to the range with a buddy today and afterwards we went to a couple local gun shops. I was telling my buddy about a recent trip with my Dad, where we shot his .357 715(?) with the 8" barrel, and how much I enjoyed it.
We stopped by a shop I had never been to before and I'm glad we stopped in. We were browsing and my buddy saw a DW .44 and says "There's your Dan Wesson, you should check it out". I said I didn't want to because I would probably buy it.
The guy behind the counter says "I have a couple more Dan Wesson Sets back here, you want to see any of those?"
My eyes got big and my heart rate sped up a bit.
"Yep, 3 of 'em with the barrels and all."
Turns out there were 2 .357 Pistol Pacs and a .357 Hunter Pac. One of the Pistol Pacs was in excellent condition with 4 barrels. The other Pistol Pac wasn't as nice but it was priced accordingly. The Hunter Pac had two barrels and a scope. And was even less.
Well, I made an impulse buy and picked up the cheaper Pistol Pac because of the price and the fact that it was nickel plated, which I prefer over blue.
So now I'm here. I'll pick it up and take it to the range next weekend and let you all know how it goes. And since this thread is worthless without pics, here you are.
3 barrels, extra grips, tools, patch, and belt buckle! A little scratched and worn, but it's going to the range not the display case so I'm ok with the marks. And the price was right for me. I'm not usually prone to impulse buys without proper research, hope I did ok.
Here's the last time I went shooting with my Dad, getting hooked on his DW. I was simply amazed at the accuracy of this gun. I'm not a great shot and I was consistently hitting the center with tight groups.
Looking forward to learning more here!
Welcome to the forum. Pics on your first post is great. Fine looking nickle with VH shrouds. You don't see them often. Those scratches are caused by the ejector star when the cylinder is allowed to swing closed while ejecting cases. Many 357's have those scratches. If your next dan doesn't have them take care when ejecting.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

to the forum. You're off to a good start, a Nickel vent heavy pistol pack is quite unusual and desirable! Especially in decent condition. I don't think it was an impulsive buy at all, I'd have grabbed it on the spot myself.
You guys in the PNW seem to have more Dan's in your local shops than us east coasters. Its a rare event when a generic 15-2 pack shows up let alone anything out of the ordinary.
Hang around here a while and shoot that .357 and this won't be your last Dan I can promise you that.
Post a range report after you get her home.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

In case you have never owned a nickel gun before, please be very careful in your choice of cleaning product. Read the label for any "Nickle" warning, and specifically avoid Hoppes and Shooters Choice. Any cleaner or solvent with an aggressive profile toward lead or copper removal can damage the nickel. The classic nickel finish was often done over a base coat of copper, and any scratch or ding in the nickel can allow the solvent to get to the copper layer and, well, the copper remover will start to do what it's supposed to do!
Shamelessly posting up my nickel gun:
Not factory nickel, I had this done to an extra 15-2 I acquired a number of years ago.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

March 1, 2014

Thanks Steve! I've never owned a nickel gun before - this is my first non polymer handgun.
I've got a couple gift cards, one for WalMart and another that's just a debit, and I'd like to use these for some necessary accessories like cleaning products, a range case, and some ammo.
Any recommendations for the following?
1. Ammo - I'd like to put a few boxes down range and I don't reload (yet ). Recommendations for some less expensive ammo that works well in this gun?
2. Cleaning product recommendations for a nickel plate finish?
Also, anyone have a good source of info about how to adjust the sights for accuracy after changing the barrels? I've seen an article about how to adjust them, but I don't know how to adjust for accuracy. I'm not a great shot, so the sights could be off and I probably wouldn't be able to tell. I would usually go to my dad for finding out how to do this, but he lives 1800 miles away so it's not easy to spend time with him to learn hands on.
I've been reading over this forum for a few hours now and y'all have a great little community here. I'm thankful I found you!

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I clean with Break Free CLP. I always remove the shroud and barrel for cleaning, so even if the barrel is loaded up with crap, it's separate from the shroud, so no issues with affecting the nickel no matter what you use.
I reload, so I cant help much with less expensive ammo, except to say that I have used Winchester White box, Sellier and Beloit, and Magtech with no issues.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Lots of luck on cheap ammo. There are some reloads being sold at gun shows and stores that are from gun ranges that don't allow reloads, hence the brass is only used once. They are about half price. Automatic transmission fluid will work for cleaning and won't damage the nickle. For sights, start with several rounds at 3 yds, adjust and try again at 6yds. Work your way out. Or have your local gun shop set them with a laser. That can save you a lot of $ in ammo till you become more confident.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Use that Walmart card and buy a laser boresight, about $30. You can quickly use it to check sights with different barrels at various distances. I use one for this purpose. You will still need a few rounds to zero in but you will be on the paper first shot and time and ammo spent zeroing will be greatly reduced.
As to cheap ammo, what ever you can find. I've used Blazer aluminum cased ammo with good results. Also American Eagle and Winchester White Box. I reload so I don't buy much ammo any more.
Have fun with that beauty.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
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