Just so I'm on the same page here,..... you have a Dan Wesson 357 mag?, and your under the impression you can install a 22 cal. barrel? And shoot?, I don't beleave that is correct....You can enter change different barrel lengths of a 357 mag, unless I'm missing something or you have an experimental DW, I don't think that's possible however I could be wrong. If it is possible, the experts will chime in. I just didn't want you to hurt your self or the fine piece of machinery you have acquired

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF, congrats on owning a great .357 revolver. Unfortunately, you cannot interchange barrels to change caliber. There are some circumstances in which the barrel shroud can be used interchangeably between .22 and .357, but the barrel must match the frame. The threading on the .357 frame will not match the threading on a .22 barrel.
Imagine the disaster that results from a careless shooter trying to stuff . .38 caliber bullet through a .22 barrel!
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

February 14, 2014

Hi and thank you for the welcome and reply posts.. Yes, I do have an understanding and the use and the disaster of using the wrong ammo in any weapon. Very bad news for sure. I may not have been entirely descriptive in my first post, my apologies. I have taken some pictures of the revolver and will try to attach them to this post. What I am trying to find more information on is changing out the barrel sleeve (I believe that is the correct term), not the barrel. I would never attempt to just change the barrel, bad news there. Changing the sleeve/caliber would necessitate changing the chamber that holds the rounds also. First, I will not attempt to convert this handgun to anything other than the manufacturer intended, second, lots of questing going on from me to find the correct data on this handgun and I may use the wrong terminology at times. Thanks for the patience. I picked up this weapon in early 1982? and have not had time to be hands on with it. I have looked at other posts in the forum and cannot identify what type of DW it is. Base data is 357 cal, made in Monson Mass, no model designator only a serial #, 4" barrel, dbl and single action, blued, wood grips w/DW insert. Thanks for any forward progression on my search for data on this and/or comments. I appreciate it. Hmm, not sure how to past the photos yet after several attempts. I will keep trying while I post this message.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Somewhere along the line we lost a valuable reference resource, "What Model do I have?"
Post a picture and you can get better info, but if it's a blued, adjustable sight, straight (not "porkchop") shroud, it's a 15-2, stainless would be a 715. The 15-2 is by far the most common model.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Found it:
What Model do I Have? Gun Talk > Revolvers
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

February 14, 2014


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

Welcome, and yes, many of us have a 14-2. Fixed sights, used as service revolvers before the prevalence of semi-autos. I find they seem to have a nicer balance then the 15-2 target model. You may have to experiment with different cartridges to find the one that is most accurate at the distance you shoot.
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