December 11, 2013

Hello. I have just joined this forum and I am a bit embarrassed to say that I just recently became interested in DW revolvers. I was looking at 357 mags and the DW caught my eye. After just a bit of research I became quite intriqued and have found one locally to buy. From what I understand, it is blued with a six inch barrel and in very good shape. Don't know if there are any extra barrels or other parts with this gun but at $350 it does't sound like a bad deal to me. Not sure but I think it is a 15-2 Model. Will see the gun tomorrow and will get pertinent data before I purchase. I am reasonable knowledgeable on guns but have no experience with DW. Any suggestions on what to look for will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Welcome to the forum. Don't be embarressed one bit. Be glad and proud to have recognized the excellence that is Dan Wesson revolvers. Where to start.? You will shortly hear from many enthusiasts. Your price is very good for a 15-2 in very good shape. A barrel tool, original box or extra grip would be icing on the cake. A barrel tool can be ordered from EWK ARMS on the right margin or on ebay. Extra barrels can be as much or more than the gun depending on type and lenght. Extra barrels makes it GTDW. Very little could be wrong that could not be fairly easily fixed except beat to sh#%. There is a topic on what to look for that more knowledgable members will give you a link to. The one danger is DWAS , which is an obsessive compulsive disorder characterized by uncontrolled buying of dan wessons. Your going to be glad you discovered these wonderful revolvers.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF!
Unless you are very experienced with revolvers, your first best resource is found on The High Road:
For DW specific stuff:
-Check the condition of the barrel nut, it would be great if a barrel nut wrench is available with the gun so you can actually make sure the barrel nut can be removed
-You should find a pretty clean, crisp, single action trigger pull, double action will obviously be longer and heavier, but still fairly smooth
-If you can remove the grip, take a look at the mainspring seat (the gripscrew screws into it from the bottom) to make sure the threads are in good condition
-I like to check firing pin action, simply place your fingertip lightly in place of where a primer would be, and try both S/A and D/A. You should get a pretty consistent sharp little poke to your fingertip both times.
-Make sure the cylinder stop (the little tab on the sideplate that stops the cylinder from pushing back when you push the ejector rod) is in good condition. This part can break off on earlier 15-2's
-Look for the cylinder to spin evenly on the crane, and for the ejector rod to spin straight and true with the cylinder
-The cylinder latch should lock fully and cleanly into the frame
-The cylinder should fit straight and true in the frame, and if you rotate the cylinder while watching against the light and directly from the side, the barrel/cylinder gap should look pretty consistent
An important thing to remember is that lots of DW's have been safe queens for many years.
Two more links in case you are interested, first off, and owners manual
And the Average Joe Tune Up will really help you understand how the Small Frame DW works, and the kinds of work you can very easily do yourself
Now get out there and bring that 15-2 HOME
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Welcome, glad you found this site. There is a wealth of knowledge here. That sounds like a good price to me. Like Ol Dog said, the extras would be icing on the cake, however If not, still a good deal. Also Steve has pointed you in the right direction, now
. And when you receive this remarkable piece of machinery post the pics.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Your 15-2 was produced in 1979 and I think you got a very good deal.
The worlds best barrel nut wrench (far better than anything from DW) is available from Eric at EWK, check the right sidebar. He is a longtime DWF Member and a good friend, some of the stuff he makes for DW's will make you
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

The number refers to the barrel (not shroud) length, the letter identifies the shroud type (but a "2" is actually 2 1/2")
No Letter=standard shroud
V=Vent Rib
VH=Vent Rib Heavy Underlug
H= Heavy Underlug standard top rib
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Yup Nick, Dan Wesson Acquistion Syndrome already. It seems the quicker it strikes, the more severe the case. It seems the recent version of the syndrome is more virilent than when it first appeared in the 70's That may be because in real dollars, DW's cost a small fraction of what the cost in the 70 and 80's. Remember, gas was 25 cents/gal. in1972, a nice car was $2000 and the movies cost $1.50. How much is a new Smith & Wesson that only has one barrel choice.

December 11, 2013

Thanks a lot for all your help. BTW---I finally negotiated the deal at just a tad over $300. After I open it up a little to see if a full blown tune-up is required---and I don't believe it will be at this time I will start looking for a couple more barrels. Will order the barrel wrench and shim from EWK today.

January 22, 2008

Welcome Nick, from the Southeast (SC).
…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project http://www.irenasendler.com/
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