March 7, 2017

Hi folks, just joined tonight. I have an opportunity to purchase model 715H with a 6.5 bbl. In reading thru a bunch of posts on the site I am confused as to what I am looking at purchasing. Any insight would be appreciated.
I do not have pictures since I did not buy yet so a description follows. Stainless, six shot, rib, full lug, ported, 2 cuts across the rib, a knurled nut at the muzzle that does not look like the pork chop nuts I have seen on this site. The styrofoam box indicates fixed barrel but I thought all Dad's had removable barrels. The SN is 357S009570. The shop is asking $600 which seems a tad high given what I found on GB.
I would like to know the mfg year, did DW make fixed barrel revolvers and what thoughts you might have regarding price. Thank you in advance for your help.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

March 7, 2017

Hi folks, thanks for the information. I will be stopping by the shop tomorrow and if they have not sold the gun I will buy it. I can take a few pics and post so if you have time you can help me nail down an ID.
In the meantime does anyone have an idea of the year of mfg? The SN is 357S009570. I see that DW does not have records and members rely on input from members. I will be happy to register the information assuming I make the purchase but I was wondering if there is a thread or database I can access. I like to know the year of mfg on any gun I own. Thank you.
Fixed barrel guns made in Palmer came with 3,4,5,6,7, and 8" Heavy barrels with a diagonal slant on the end like a 21/2V. Most common were 3,5,and 7. What you probably have is a 5", the last 11/2" is the compensator and not the barrel. If you look down the muzzle, unloaded of course and with the cylinder open for additional light and piece of mind, you will see a barrel nut with no slots 11/2" down . The comped barrel is what makes the price worth it.
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