DWF Supporters
June 22, 2014

Hi. I have been here before, but finally registered.
I am carving new target grips, and will be milling some new EH shroud profiles for my revolvers.
The barrels I have so far are 6 and 8, but more to come.
I just have to go shoot these more.
Have you ever noticed that 3+5+7 is GREATER than 9+1+1 ? .
-Steve K.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

DWF Supporters
June 22, 2014

Thanks. I am almost done with a grip prototype, and I just received my license, so I get to bring them on home next week!
This is all pretty new, but I got into this through woodworking.
prototype is maple,but I have a big gorgeous piece of blk walnut stump that is going to do 2 stocks and a dozen grips.
Hideous or not, I will follow up with a pic of my 'slow to accumulate' pistol pak, and attempts a customization.
Have you ever noticed that 3+5+7 is GREATER than 9+1+1 ? .
-Steve K.

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

Welcome and be sure to upload some pics
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

DWF Supporters
June 22, 2014

I will try to take a pic tomorrow, if I can, and I will post it here.
After that, I guess I should start a build thread in the ' Loading and Grips' section.
I also homebrew, so one of these grips is going to be for a tap handle as well.
I built a Craftsman-style kegbox, and so far have just lathe-turned handles for it.
I see a beavertail, thumbrest grip for pouring a:
** 30 aught 6-pack **
I do not know which project I am more excited about.
Have you ever noticed that 3+5+7 is GREATER than 9+1+1 ? .
-Steve K.

DWF Supporters
June 22, 2014

I will try to get these 3 pics uploaded.
i finally got both tangs Ungripped, and they are different!
Who knew! ( I can let you guess on one person that did not.)
I guess they made the spring visible between the 200K range, and the 300K range? Both are square tangs and marked 357.
Have you ever noticed that 3+5+7 is GREATER than 9+1+1 ? .
-Steve K.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Overtravel screw location was one of the "running" changes made by DW, there is no clear date that this happened. Another change that occurred around this same time was the elimination of the recessed chambers, where the cylinder was no longer milled to allow the rim of the cartridge case to recess into the cylinder.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

DWF Supporters
June 22, 2014

Both my cylinders have recesses (just checked), high number being 37499x.
Original? I don't know.
My extra heavy blank from EWK is on the way!
Eric thanks for everything. It is almost time for some milling!
Have you ever noticed that 3+5+7 is GREATER than 9+1+1 ? .
-Steve K.
I think the see through tang was from the early 80's. I have a 715 with it and of course it is a feature of the larhe frame guns. That would jive with your 375,xxx serial no. .I also suspect that DW was using up some parts and frame inventory and that would account for the overtravel screw conundrum. The production of 15-2's dropped of sharply after 1981. The large frame, stainless and super mags were most of the production it seems. It must have been a chaotic time for DW. The introduction of large frame guns and stainless, drop in demand for LE guns and management changes.

DWF Supporters
June 22, 2014

ERIC!!!!!! (one ! was not enough)
holy $h!++ !
(ok, background, I bought a 357 EH shroud BLANK from eric and it arrived today. And he has been more than friendly on several dozen email replies. and the nut wrench is a solid as he is.)
It is about 16 inches long, and IF it didn't weigh 10 POUNDS, I build a carbine around it!
Great piece of steel, has my head spinning with possibilities, some way over the top...
(like a 4" color case hardened shroud, if I could find a stainless cylinder. so, maybe not with a blues frame?)
plan, then, is a 6, a 5 and a 4. Then I pick my favorite.
Have you ever noticed that 3+5+7 is GREATER than 9+1+1 ? .
-Steve K.
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