September 8, 2009

Hello, I just purchased a compensated DW 6inch SS 44 mag. Not Exatly sure what the model number is? 44/744?? Anyways I am new to DW but not new to revolvers or other guns. I curently also own a Smith n Wesson 686, and used to own a S&W 29, along with a taurus 605. Thats is as far as revolvers. I came here to learn a bit about DW, I know the name and have seen the guns in pics but otherwise unfamiliar. I know they are strong and accurate, and I will know more when I actually have mine in my hands. Hopefully I wont have to many noob questions and may even one day be helpfull.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009


January 24, 2009

Congrats on your first DW purchase, I'm sure you'll love it & if you hang around here, you'll want 35 other DW's to keep it company. I used to have S&W 29 too, my wife sez it was the result of one too many Dirty Harry movies.
Used to have pics, but a computer crash ate 'em.
to the
Glad you're here!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

to our little spot on the http://WWW. Glad to see you landed a 44 DW. You are sure to enjoy your time with it. As mentioned above along with DW ownership a terminal illness called
may occur causing many empty accounts, wallets, cookie jars, etc.
Please post some pics when you have the chance, we need many pics here to feed our frenzy over these fine revolvers.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

September 8, 2009

I am borrowing this pic, but its the one on top. I havnt received it yet but an getting very exceited about it. Does anybody know if a non compensated barrel will fit? I am wanting to get a 8-10 inch for deer season, but cant much afford to shell out the extra money for the compensated

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

That should accept any 744 barrel/shroud. I think you picked a pretty unusual "first Jump" into the DW Pool, looks great. From your screen name, I'd guess you might have some other guns to tell us about in "Other Brands".
Welcome aboard, and don't worry about noob questions, as you look around you'll be amazed at what our members know and share about shooting in general, not just DW's.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Comp barrels are less common. I'd like to try a comp'ed 6" .44 someday, the people that have them say that it really cuts down on muzzle flip. I am a new owner of a 744 6VH, and I'm still getting used to it as opposed to .357.
As I recall, on the Comp barrel the interchangeable barrel system is adapted slightly with a recessed barrel nut and special wrench. I think that a pretty low percentage of 744's were sold as Comps, that's a kind of special item.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

September 8, 2009

Ahh, good deal then. I kinda went into this purchase blind, I just had herd the name, saw the gun had a good use for it (deer season/recreation, mostly recreation) and had to have it. Buy first research later isnt a very good policy but I'm guessing it worked out just fine in this case lol.

September 8, 2009

Well not sure just yet. I am going to buy a seconed barrel for this current one, and I have been eyeballin a couple pointmans, still trying to figure out the numbers but perhaps a SS or maybe blue 357 6/4/2 inch aswell. But time will tell. I have to take this first one out a time or 2 and make sure we play nice together, hopefully it wont mind a bit of company from a smith.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I don't know what you ended up paying, the prices I originally saw seemed good, the seller seemed to be a pretty good guy. You got a special revolver, and I'd bet it was well cared for and in good condition.
I'm thinkin' you did good
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
May 17, 2009

mighty9mm. I have a .44 mag with a CS8VH barrel assembly (that's an 8" compensated, vent, heavy with a slotted shroud). It was made for me at CZ in Norwich, NY. I shot it today to test out some hand loads and it is accurate. The recoil is pretty tame with heavy loads. Is yours coming with the barrel tool? It takes a special tool to loosen the barrel nut since it is recessed inside the end of the shroud.
Here's a pic of mine:
with the new Dan.

September 8, 2009

560 shipped with the goodies same as the guy in oregan, long storry short the seller made it a bit more of a pain than the sale had to be, but it worked out fine in the end. I did look up the price of the compensated barrel and while I dont knwo what one of these should go for I kcow just the barrel is a pretty penny in its self. I am hoping to maybe findthe 8inch used online somwere but not sure how hard they are to find


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

jaggman said:
mighty9mm. I have a .44 mag with a CS8VH barrel assembly (that's an 8″ compensated, vent, heavy with a slotted shroud). It was made for me at CZ in Norwich, NY. I shot it today to test out some hand loads and it is accurate. The recoil is pretty tame with heavy loads. Is yours coming with the barrel tool? It takes a special tool to loosen the barrel nut since it is recessed inside the end of the shroud.
Here's a pic of mine:
with the new Dan.
You don't happen to have a pic of that special wrench do you?
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