December 29, 2009

On xmas day my father "jaggman" passed down to me and my wife his very first DW modle 15 .357 Mag. The man has passed down many lessons to me in life over my 32 yrs and this was another---there ARE good firearms other than Sigs. So thanks, dad, for the wonderful gift.
The wife and i moved from FL to WV last month with the kids. So far so good here. Its alot diff and much better. But i guess i should have known that when i saw a school that read "God Bless America" in big white letters above the entrance.
Thats all for now. happy new year! 10-4

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Welcome to DWF. Pretty cold that your own Dad dumped the
inside of 13 minutes.
As you look around here, you'll discover that I tried really hard get your DW
I think this makes the fourth Father/Son here.
jaggman/RevBlue 357
Steve CT/freerider04
Any more?
What Sig(s)? I have a 229 SAS, I think the DAK is the perfect DAO trigger system
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

December 29, 2009

i guess ill quickly learn what the pics thing is all about...lol...i also have a p229 9mm...ive had a variety of weapons over the years. from Taurus to HK to FN to CZ, and i must say nothing has been better than my sig. ill be takin the DW to the range soon so we'll see how it stacks up. look for my post on it soon!

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

We're crazy for pictures here, more than any other Forum I've been on.
My son turned me on to the Sig 229, it is his preferred duty sidearm (although he uses a Beretta M9 right now).
Watch out, your first Dan Wesson won't be your last
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

November 28, 2009

November 28, 2009

jaggman said:
The Old Man has to stay one step ahead of the boy, ya know!
Well I like them older folks to stay a little futher ahead then that ya know just out of Cane's reach. And it helps them to believe they are a few steps ahead!
"I don't believe in repeat offenders I believe in dead offenders." Ted Nugent

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

I'll second that, you can't have to many father son teams or father daughter teams for that matter. Look forward to your addiction and comments.
Also CF my father inlaw gave me a daisy doubled barreled model 21 bb gun before he passed away ten years ago. I used it for a barn rat gun till I found out it fell into the collectors class and was worth $500 to $600. It has not seen the barn since.
Wellcome revblue357!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Revblue. Glad Jaggman got another recruit to the ranks. Your dad is quite a guy. I have been range shooting with him and had lots of fun. You got a great Dad there. And since pop mentioned that...
I don't have to
, but oops! looks like it slipped anyway..
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

December 29, 2009

well thanks to everyone for the big welcome! The old man is pretty great...as you all know. funny thing is, i was the first to buy handguns 11 yrs ago after getting my ccw. funnier than that is at the time i think he thought i was crazy-"why do you need to carry a gun?" lol....sorry dad, had to....sometimes the elder is a short step behind...well, once in a while. however i must say going into yet another obama filled yr of taxes and debt and even more taxes for crap no one wants or needs, ill admit it was all of our elders who passed down their values, morals, and my favorite, firearms!! so thanks to all my elders for the hand me downs. a wise man who i cant remember the name of once said if you dont know how to finish, quote someone and go out strong....so i will...."We The People..."
have a safe new year all and ring it in with a bang!!
November 28, 2009

pops2 said:
I'll second that, you can't have to many father son teams or father daughter teams for that matter. Look forward to your addiction and comments.
Also CF my father inlaw gave me a daisy doubled barreled model 21 bb gun before he passed away ten years ago. I used it for a barn rat gun till I found out it fell into the collectors class and was worth $500 to $600. It has not seen the barn since.
Wellcome revblue357!
Not to change the subject but I would love to see a picture of that. I don't think I have ever seen or heard of one!
And I was kidding about the futher ahead than that. I wish we could have more father/son father/daughter 's out there that would enjoy shooting together!
"I don't believe in repeat offenders I believe in dead offenders." Ted Nugent

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

wisconsinshooter said:
And I was kidding about the futher ahead than that. I wish we could have more father/son father/daughter 's out there that would enjoy shooting together!
Actually, one of my first "non shooter" invites is going to be my daughter, maybe a Father/Son/Daughter coming?
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
November 28, 2009

That's so respectful!
Steve CT said:
wisconsinshooter said:
And I was kidding about the futher ahead than that. I wish we could have more father/son father/daughter 's out there that would enjoy shooting together!
Actually, one of my first "non shooter" invites is going to be my daughter, maybe a Father/Son/Daughter coming?
"I don't believe in repeat offenders I believe in dead offenders." Ted Nugent
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