May 10, 2012

i am blessed and ecstatic to have stumbled upon this excellent revolver for my first handgun. i was looking for a well built .357 mag and was about to shell out $800-1000 for a performance center s&w, then i heard about a local dealer with a shop in his backyard....i called him and he said he had this dan wesson with a 6 in barrel (he said model 14). i promptly did some internet research and began to get excited. interchangeable barrels (don't have one, YET), well built, excellent accuracy, cool look, and unique! this puppy has a small scratch on the barrel and some mild "holster wear", but otherwise looks pretty clean. i was pumped to score it for $285. not sure if that's a good deal on the market, but i think fair at worst. to me its an amazing value considering the other guns in this class. can anyone tell me what model it is? i am thinking a 14-2 or 15-2 circa 1979-81, based on the serial no. and your excellent serial number list.
Okie1 May the Forum be with you.

Range Officer

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Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Dans Club

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April 20, 2010

Welcome, you have a very nice 15-2, and I agree you got it for a great price. Like Dave said, check out EWK Arms ad to the right here, and LB Grips for some awesome grips if you are looking for anything. Let us know how it shoots.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"

Range Officer

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February 28, 2009

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May 10, 2012

my wife and i squeezed off about 100 rounds yesterday and had a blast!
basically my first time firing than a couple rounds from a handgun, so nothing to compare it to, but the single action was so accurate (which i guess takes me out of the equation as much as possible) i got this group:
granted that's only at 7 yards, but most home defense shooting would occur inside that... i adjusted the sights after that and started working on speed drills, longer distances, and then got to firing some .357 loads (little less accurate, but guessing we just need more practice). the real bonus of the day was my wife loving it! this is her 1st 6 shots (ever! from 10yds, DA):
she outshot me overall and handled the 38 .spl and .357 mag loads easily.
now, i started looking for this gun mainly for home defense. this gun is definitely going to get it done!!! and its so easy and smooth to shoot, we are now excited to go shooting and hone our skills. and, i am loving the cool factor. i wanna trick this puppy out then buy some more!
a couple questions for my mentors here:
1) any modifications you recommend? for home defense, i am thinking of low-light situations so what are your thoughts on fiberoptics, lasers, flashlights, etc...? also how about wood grips? do they make the gun easier to take out of your hand or increase the felt recoil by that much? (i love the look of some of yours!)
2) out of a hundred rounds, i had maybe 5 "duds". out of those, i think 4 fired on the second try, and all but one were when my wife was shooting. i was using cheap PMC ammo. the firing pin had dimpled all the centers of the cartridges on the first try, so i'm guessing it was the ammo.....but, do i need to make any adjustment to my gun, or to our shooting technique?
thanks if you read this entire post! i won't be so windy every time.
Okie1 May the Forum be with you.

November 23, 2011

Okie1 try backing off the grip screw and see if the miss fires stop. Believe it or not the grip screw can cause light primer strikes. Eric's fiber optic sight are well made and can help with faster sight alignment. As for lights take a look at First-Light's Liberator. I use this light with handguns that do not have a rail. It will work great with your Dan. Hope you find this helpful. R S

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

To diagnose the light strikes, I would:
1) Try different ammunition
2) Work with turning the grip screw out 1/4 turn at a time until you get consistent hits
3) Clean it and change out the springs (actually, this could be #1)
Even if you do not do the polishing and fitting, this is pretty important for a 30 year old gun that has had ???? maintenance.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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