February 10, 2013

Hello to all members.
This is great site and I'm happy to see Dan Wesson enthusiasts going strong.
I've had my DW 357 since 1978. I bought it used from a pawn shop in Arizona. It wasn't very used looking so I figured it was fairly new. Is there a way to tell the born on date? It cost me $150 which was a lot for me back then working at McDonalds. I know it's a model 15 and came with the 6 in. non vented barrel and a full size grip. I would go out in the desert every weekend and plink (more like blow large holes) at cans. As I got older, free time became my enemy and I didn't shoot much anymore. Needless to say my DW has been pretty idle for about 25 years.
I have made sure to keep it warm, dry and oiled over the years. Recently, not by choice, I have found more free time to shoot. I purchased a used 2 in barrel and a compact handle. That revolver went from intimidating with the 6 in barrel and full size grip to down right nasty scary with the 2 in and small grip. on. So in the course of getting ready to go shoot, the gun developed a problem.
The hammer will only pull back about a 1/4 of the way thus it won't cock completely. The cylinder does rotate properly and it clears the barrel. Very frustrating because I want to shoot this bad boy. Well remembering the time tested rule of backtracking everything you did before something started not working, I removed the retaining screw and small grip. I then put the full size grip back on with the retaining screw and the hammer worked perfect . . . hmm. So I took off the retaining screw out of the handle and the hammer still pulled back full. Off came the grip, still worked perfect. I then put on the compact grip, works fine. Put the retaining screw in (I know veterans of this problem are chuckling) and the hammer will not pull back anymore.
Not thinking there was any difference in retaining screws, I had just used my old one on the compact grip. I'm left with the conclusion that the compact grip needs a shorter retaining screw? Is the shorter retaining screw specific to the DW and can I still get one or is this a Home Depot type item. It is the original hex head screw and I still have my T Bar wrench tool.
Suggestions and solutions always appreciated. Thanks for letting me ramble and joining the group.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

to the best
on the net! You are correct, the grip screw is too long. Those small grips use a shorter grip screw. If you thread any grip screw in too far you will get problems ranging from light strikes in double action to inability to full cock the hammer. The reason is the grip scew threads into the mainspring seat and if run in too far, interfers with the spring. There are a few different screw lengths, but taking your existing one to a hardware store and getting one a bit shorter is probablly the easiest and cheapest way to go.
Now go out and get a shorter screw and take that short barrel to the range, it'll be a blast to shoot (pun intended).
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather


January 24, 2009

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