November 1, 2009

Greg Hittman out of Wichita KS. Just bought my first gun a couple of months ago. A 336A (1949) Marlin Lever in 30-30. Looking at getting a 357 Lever & Revolver. The Dan Wesson has got me intrigued & I haven't even seen one yet. I enjoy owning quality products and if it is unique even the better. Am hitting a huge gun show in Tulsa in a couple of weeks & maybe I'll get lucky. Any info is helpful. I am the consumate consumer and can't help but research before I buy.
My Rugby daye are over, so two years ago picked up a Triuph Speedmaster Motorcycle & am now moving into fire arms. Right now I think I like the Heavy Vented 15-2's the best preferred barrel length to start would be 4".
Thanks for being here guys & I suspect you'll be hearing from me.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

January 22, 2008

Triumph! Love the newer Hinckley models! I've had a '95 Tiger, '96 Trophy 1200 and a '99 Speed Triple. Put over 60k miles on that Speed Triple in about 4 years. Now I have sunk to riding a BMW R1100S
Yep, can't go wrong with a model 15-2. Just be careful of
I have one of the limited edition stainless steel Marlin 1894c levers. The thing loves hot hand loaded 124 grain .357 Mag. Rumors are that Marlin is planning to bring the stainless 1894c back into production

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

to the
. You have come to the right place to do your consumer investigation on Dan Wessons. Lots of great insight and info here. IMHO Dan Wessons are the greatest DA revolver ever built and the only one you can make into different barrel lenghts easily. They are accurate and strong too. You'll find many member's collections here for you to stare at many
of DW's
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Hittman said:
The Big ???
What to expect to pay for a good condition 15-2. They seem to be selling above book.
So any input on this would be greatly appreciated...Like to have my ducks in a row when I go to the Gun Show.
Book never applies to DW's....Sorry -- Depending on where you live and what you find will decide the price. I live in an expensive DW area--anything under $400 is a bargain for me. Due to my experience, if you can find a good condition DW from 250-400 you will be doing good. I know that is a huge price range, but that's how it is.


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

April 25, 2008

Welcome Greg!
Great decision on getting a Dan Wesson 15. The heavy vent rib barrels are my favorites, although in my line of work, the 8-10" barrels are best. Gotta love a 6" VH, which in my opinion has the perfect balance.
I have also gone the companion rifle/pistol way, using my .41 Magnum DW and a matching Marlin 1894. That is a pretty neat concept, a throwback from the old days. The .444 Marlin even holds a place in my safe with another combo, and I'm working on a .375 WInchester and .357 Magnum sets.
The Savantist

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Greg- Welcome to DWF. If you are interested in quality and uniqueness, Dan Wesson is your best opportunity in the revolver market, at least at generally approachable prices. Especially if you are newer to firearms in general, and revolvers in particular, please check this out:
This will help you evaluate the functionality of a revolver. If you find a good one that has some cosmetic/finish problems, for blued revolvers there is an easy solution:
Stainless is even easier, it can be largely a DIY process
I suggest you monitor
http://www.gunbroker.com/ (search on Dan Wesson -holster for best results)
Parts and service are readily available from CZ/Dan Wesson, and of course, the DWF Brain Trust is here for you.
Ball is in your court, go get a Dan
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Lots of differences … The W-12 was one of the original DW's made up until 1973 (pre model 15)... I can add some pics later, but the big differences are ; W-12(Porkchop) has a different barrel shroud, much larger sights, and most likely a big external nut holding the barrel on. There are also some internal differences. Here is a pic of my W-12.
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