December 24, 2014

I'm a retired guy who took up target shooting, reloading and some gunsmithing about 5 years ago. Up until a month ago, I had been concentrating on semi-automatic pistols and bought and sold Glocks, Rugers, S & W, before settling on CZs. I have two 9mms (regular sized and Compact for carry) and a .45, all of which I've tricked out (hammers, triggers, springs, etc.) I also have a S & W target pistol which I seldom shoot anymore. Last month I became interested in .357 magnums and started shopping around. Luckily, my local gun shop had a very lightly used Dan Wesson which I bought. It is a beautiful gun: blued body and wooden grip (made in Monson, Mass. serial #331465). I also got a 2 1/2" barrel & shroud from the DW shop, on sale! What a Christmas -- two guns for $660. I am trying to determine what loads to use at the present time for shooting .357 magnum (no interest in .38 Sp). I've been using HP 38 and Unique powders for loading 9mms and .45s and would like to continue loading .357 magnums. I bought 500 lead bullets, 125 Grain TCFP and a thousand 140 Grain TCFP Zingers from Missouri Bullet. I use a Lee 4 die press for reloading
Well, that's plenty about me. I'll be checking in to this forum from now on; looks like a good one. Have a great year ahead. May every shot be a bullseye.


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Welcome from the Bluegrass....
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788
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