April 25, 2016

I guess I can start with how I stumbled upon a DW 357 pistol pack back in 1981. I would often stop at my local gun store in Thousand Oaks CA. One day I came into the store and in the course of browsing, as is my want to do, I saw the pistol pack. I had never heard of Dan Wesson, but I could immediately tell it was a quality piece of equipment. I like the idea of different barrel lengths and I especially liked the way the barrel nut held the end of the pistol together, just so amazing. After purchasing the pistol, I had a trigger job done to the gun, which included jeweling the hammer. The pistol as a very precise and crisp pull.
I bought 3 leather carry rigs, even got a scope and a rig to carry the pistol with the scope. And, as life goes, I never hunted with the gun, maybe went out one time, and ended up having a nice walk in the SoCal wilderness.
I shot the gun a few times, I'm sure the round count is less than 300, and then promptly put the gun in the safe upon its royal throne, and there she has sat all these years. I have all the documents from when I purchased the gun: A receipt from the gun store (with amazingly few details) - Dan Wesson 6" Revolver 15VH Serial 29374x with the purchase price, dated 10/7/81.
I have a Retail Price List, January 1, 1981. Instruction Booklet, Patch, and a Congratulations letter from Dan Wesson Arms, INC. Dated April 1 1981 which has Accessory Products Distributors and Authorized Parts Distributors and Warranty Stations. All these documents put a smile on my face, almost as interesting as the pistol itself.

February 16, 2016

dragonfly1911 said
I have all the documents from when I purchased the gun: A receipt from the gun store (with amazingly few details) - Dan Wesson 6" Revolver 15VH Serial 29374x with the purchase price, dated 10/7/81.
Cool story .. to
and thanks for the
too. Sounds like your data can be added to the Serial Number Registry.

April 25, 2016

Stinger said
dragonfly1911 said
I have all the documents from when I purchased the gun: A receipt from the gun store (with amazingly few details) - Dan Wesson 6" Revolver 15VH Serial 29374x with the purchase price, dated 10/7/81.Cool story ..
and thanks for the
too. Sounds like your data can be added to the Serial Number Registry.
First thing I did was fill out the serial number registry. Thanks for the reply!


January 24, 2009

Ole Dog said
Very nice. The gun looks stainless but the serial number indicates a blue gun. Is it possible it is hard chromed. If not, it must be one of the very first SS guns as the earliest stainless guns seem to have a S/ to start the serial number.
I've seen other stainless guns with the "no S" serial number. I used to have pics of at least three guns before my POS pic host site lost them for me. I'm pretty sure the first few stainless 715's out the door had the standard s/n, then a short time later, they realized they needed to be able to tell the stainless from the blued guns on their s/n list, so they started using the "S/" method.

April 25, 2016

Charger Fan said
Ole Dog said
Very nice. The gun looks stainless but the serial number indicates a blue gun. Is it possible it is hard chromed. If not, it must be one of the very first SS guns as the earliest stainless guns seem to have a S/ to start the serial number.I've seen other stainless guns with the "no S" serial number. I used to have pics of at least three guns before my POS pic host site lost them for me.
I'm pretty sure the first few stainless 715's out the door had the standard s/n, then a short time later, they realized they needed to be able to tell the stainless from the blued guns on their s/n list, so they started using the "S/" method.
Interesting, had no idea about the "S", most assuredly its stainless.


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Ole Dog said
CF, I suspected that. Especially as it is a 1981 gun. The first year for stainless. I guess I now need to acquire one of those "Rare" non S guns. Haha.
Surely we are past the stage of rationalizing our purchases????
Yeah, okay......me too.
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?
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