July 2, 2019

Hey all -
My name is Scott and I'm a new member here. I didn't even know this forum existed until I was doing some online research into Dan Wesson firearms. I'm very glad to have found it as I can already see that it is full of useful information.
I was born and raised in Colorado. My father is a retired state patrolman and he got me into firearms at a very young age and I've been shooting, collecting, buying, and shooting some more for nearly 40 years. It was my father that got me into Dan Wesson firearms. As a patrolman in the '70s, he always carried a revolver while on duty. At one point he was issued a 4" Colt Python, which he later had the opportunity to buy when the state patrol transitioned to the S&W model 66 and later the model 686. However, as sweet as those guns are - I own a couple of Pythons myself - he was always more enamored with his Dan Wessons. His enthusiasm for DW was picked up by me and I've loved them ever since.
I've owned a few different DW revolvers, all of them 15-2s, and, about 12 years ago, I acquired my first pistol pack. I eventually let it go a couple of years ago when I was offered $900 in cash plus a shooter quality Colt Python in exchange. While I love the Python and have put thousands of rounds through it, I just couldn't get over the fact that I'd let my pistol pack go. So, recently, I acquired another one, this time a 715V. I'll eventually go into more detail about that as I have some questions about it. I was looking at the serial number PDF and, coincidentally, the serial number on my firearm is only 2 numbers away from one of the guns listed there. Strangely though, that individual's firearm is a 15-2 while mine is stainless. I'd never paid much attention to serial numbers until recently (I wanted to find out when my firearm was manufactured, naturally) but in examining them, I've noticed that all of the stainless revolvers seem to have an "S" at the beginning of their serial numbers. This has me a bit baffled because my firearm does not have an "S" in the serial number; it's just 6 numbers. I'll probably take this up in another thread, but if anyone has thoughts on that, I'd love to hear them. Shoot me a message or respond here, I reckon.
Anyway, it's good to know there is an active community of Dan Wesson enthusiasts. I look forward to getting to know all of you. At the moment I'm pinching pennies in order to purchase a Dan Wesson Guardian in 38 Super - I absolutely love that caliber! - and I'd love to get my hands on a 9mm Wraith also. Beyond that, I'm also looking to eventually acquire a DW 44 Pistol Pack. It'd be great if CZ/DW offered a new .44 revolver like their current 715s. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll always offer some sort of revolver; it just wouldn't be DW if they didn't, IMO.
Sorry for the long-winded introduction. I've hardly said anything about myself, so I'll get to all of that in time, but felt it was important to share my enthusiasm for the amazing DW firearms.
Have a great and safe 4th everyone.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Great to have you on the DWF! Perfect intro- thanks for that. All too often folks conduct a drive by looking for information and that's it. The core members here are always willing to provide information/ advice/ help.
Regards, Ron
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Scott, did you buy the 715 pack off Gunbroker recently? I tried telling the seller his pack was not stainless but he just did not believe me. If is is a 6 number serial number it is not stainless. It is a blue 15-2 that has been hard chromed. Check the hammer. Stainless have a knurled hammer spur, not lines. The sideplate on stainless have the improved cylinder stop, the little nub that keeps the cylinder from sliding off the crane when open. 15-2s were not reinforced until 1986. Look at the extractor star. Is it blue or stainless. 715s are all stainless except for the sights. Lastly, stainless have a brushed finish. The hard chromed 15-2 will be polished.
The pack is beautiful. Even the barrel tubes are chromed. However, it is not stainless. I would seek redress from the seller on principal. He was told 3 times it was a blue gun. Certainly the value has been impacted.
BTW, chromed guns clean up easily. The drawback is trying to find matching barrel assemblies but you have all four so that is not an issue.

July 2, 2019

Ole Dog said
Scott, did you buy the 715 pack off Gunbroker recently? I tried telling the seller his pack was not stainless but he just did not believe me. If is is a 6 number serial number it is not stainless. It is a blue 15-2 that has been hard chromed. Check the hammer. Stainless have a knurled hammer spur, not lines. The sideplate on stainless have the improved cylinder stop, the little nub that keeps the cylinder from sliding off the crane when open. 15-2s were not reinforced until 1986. Look at the extractor star. Is it blue or stainless. 715s are all stainless except for the sights. Lastly, stainless have a brushed finish. The hard chromed 15-2 will be polished.The pack is beautiful. Even the barrel tubes are chromed. However, it is not stainless. I would seek redress from the seller on principal. He was told 3 times it was a blue gun. Certainly the value has been impacted.
BTW, chromed guns clean up easily. The drawback is trying to find matching barrel assemblies but you have all four so that is not an issue.
Hey Ole Dog - Well Hell's Bells! Yes, I did purchase the Pistol Pack you are referencing (or, so it would seem), which is why I was confused about the serial number. I even asked the seller if that firearm had been hard chromed and he was insistent that it hadn't been. I noticed the extractor also but figured it had been replaced at some point. However, it does have a cylinder stop on the side plate but I don't know what the 'improved' one looks like that you mentioned. Are you saying that the cylinder stop wasn't present on older DWs or just that some sort of upgrade was made to them?
Wow, now I've got some hard decisions to make. I haven't actually taken possession of the gun yet and I do have a three day inspection period once I do receive it, so I suppose I could return it. Or, I could just live with it because I plan on making it a shooter and not a safe queen. What are the possible downsides to having a hard-chromed firearm? I suppose it depends on who did the work but, in theory, if done correctly, would the finish be durable enough for years of use?
What a bummer. I'm not really into modifications of that nature, so, as stated, I'm going to have to do some hard thinking on this. One way or another, I'll definitely be replacing the Pistol Pack I sold a couple of years ago; a mistake I've been looking to rectify for some time.
If anyone wants to chime in with their two cents on this predicament, please feel free; I need to make some sort of decision.
Thanks for the info, sir!

July 2, 2019

Ole Dog, and anyone else that's interested:
Thanks for the info and I can see now that you are, of course, 100% correct; that DW is not a 715! If only I had found this forum before I'd gone shopping for another DW, LOL. Oh well. I'm here now with a chrome-hardened 15-2 arriving early next week. At first, I admit, I was somewhat dismayed. All I could think was that the seller had misled me, since I'd specifically inquired about the finish. That said, however, I don't think he was being deceitful; rather, I think he's just misinformed, unaware, or lacks knowledge on the subject. It happens, and is one of the hazards of shopping online and not doing better research first.
Once I'd stopped to think about it though, it occurred to me that I should re-examine my reason for buying another Dan Wesson in the first place, which was/is to buy a shooter, not a collectible (oh, that'll come too!), and what makes for a better shooter than a chrome-hardened firearm? Sure, I was looking for a stainless DW since every other one I've owned was blue, but thinking about it now, I may have stumbled upon the prefect specimen to go and shoot the heck out of.
So, in short, if the chrome hardening was done correctly, I'm gonna keep it for the reason stated above and then shop for my SQDW (safe-queen Dan Wesson) down the road a bit because I want to purchase a DW 1911 first, probably a Guardian chambered in 38 Super. I'm gonna inspect it closely though; if the chrome hardening is shoddy, I'll send it back. Whatever the case, I'm back in the DW game and glad of it.
Thanks again for the info and for welcoming me aboard the DWF!
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