Hello all,
I'm new to the handgun scene. I'm a lifetime member of the NRA, and I own a few long guns (though they are all on the other side of the country at my father's place in OR right now). I earned a little green ribbon in the Air Force for not missing my target a long, long time ago. sheesh…
As it happenes, I'm more and more concerned than ever about my Second Amendment right, the state of the world, and my family's security in it. I went into a sportsman's shop here looking for a pump action, small gauge shotgun. I looked at several and it was then that the counter man asked if I'd thought about a handgun. I stated that I wasn't opposed to the possibility, and what did he have.
He showed me a couple automatics… and then I saw “it”. How about a revolver? He mentioned that there weren't too many fixed barrel Dan Wesson models made and thought the production run was short. I did my reading on this site and found his words to be true. Anyway, I'm not much for pistol hunting, but target practice and home protection are right up my “needs” alley. The fixed barrel doesn't bother me, I'm kind of enjoying that I have a limited run model. I look forward to the discourse.
Model: 744H, 4″ barrel, composite grip
744H, 4" fixed Palmer, MA

December 17, 2008

Welcome to the Dan Wesson Forum Brad, great to have you as a member!
A great story! I bet we all knew that particular moment when we realized a Dan Wesson was something special and we had to have one!
If you were cruising around the site you probably know that you can't put up pictures fast enough to satisfy our ravenous Dan Wesson appettite...
This post will help. You'll need to put your picture on a Photo Hosting site (a lot of us use "photobucket.com": https://www.danwessonforum.com/?page_id=3/forum-issues-and-questions/how-to-post-images
If you can get an end on close up photo of the muzzle it will help answer the question IHMSA80X80 asked. I think we're all a little curious about that being a fixed barrel - as you noted, pretty rare.
Ooch… I guess I shouldn't have teased and directly stated that it is still at the store under deposit, waiting on Sheriff Barney to sign my application for permit. I did say I was new to pistols; I've never had a permit. It is supposed to be signed by Tuesday next week and then I'll get a bunch of pics.
To your point IHMSA80X80, no slotted nut on this one. Thanks for the welcome. I'll be facinated to read all I can on the reasons they made these.
744H, 4" fixed Palmer, MA
Hey Brad, welcome to the Forum!
From what I have read Dan Wesson made the fixed barreled guns around 93-94. They were priced lower than the interchangeable barreled models to try to compete against the big guys (S&W and Ruger). Apparently there wasn't much of a market for these since they were only made for a short time.
You also have to keep in mind that the Palmer guns were only manufactured between 1992 - 1995. In 1996 Bob Serva purchased DW and moved the company to Norwich, NY.
I can only recall seeing one other fixed barrel 744 on GunBroker so you do have a pretty rare version. Do you mind telling us how much you had to pay for it.
Again welcome to the forum!


January 24, 2009

Welcome aboard!
Congrats on your DW discovery, it sounds like you picked a very interesting one for your first. The only fixed barrel DW's I've seen do far have been .357's, so with this one being a .44, that sounds even more rare right there. Cool!
Can't wait to see some pics.
Thank you all again for the welcome.
Jody I gave $375 and tax for it. I didn't argue much... my "paw" is over four inches across. Aside from really being the most eye-catching, it was the only pistol I picked up that fit in my hand. I could barely get three fingers on the grip of some of the automatics .
It has the original styrofoam package with the cardboard slip cover. I also got the little manual. Is anything else supposed to be in the container - cleaning cloth, oil?
744H, 4" fixed Palmer, MA

February 4, 2009

First of all, Welcome to the forums.
The price you paid for the 44 sounds like a great deal to me, especially since I've never seen one with a fixed barrel. Much like you, I really enjoy the DW revolvers because they seem to fit my hand just right. The more comfortable it is to me, the more I will shoot it. The more I shoot it, the better my accuracy will become with it.
You made a wise choice, grasshopper. Enjoy!

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

I went to CC class yesterday and finally got to fire the 44. !BOOM! that was fun. The rest of the participants all stopped and watched/listened (with fingers in ears). The 9mm automatics just didn't have the same "presence"...
We fired 30 rounds from the standard 3, 5, and 7 yard markers. Once I got over the initial "On that's how it's going to be" rounds I could pretty consistantly put it where I wanted it. The only time I was close to getting off the center-of-mass area was when I tried to give the target a pair of eyes. The right onw was pretty good, the left one was a bit high...
Anyway, I passed. Next stop in the Sheriff's office to continue the paper trail. Again, what a blast!
744H, 4" fixed Palmer, MA
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