March 29, 2009

Newbie here- Thanks for hosting this forum. I am a long-time gun enthusiast, and shoot only recreationally. This month, I acquired my third semiauto pistol, and first-ever DW- a brand new DW CBOB 1911 in .45ACP. I was first tempted to just put it in a glass case and admire the beauty of it, but that quickly evolved into a quick trip to the range. I can't say enough about the quality of this pistol- and sooo accurate. My favorite handgun ever, and I've only owned it for eleven days! My sincere thanks to the DW folks who helped build my pistol.


January 24, 2009

Welcome aboard, glad to have ya!
I'm mostly a revolver fan too, but I'll admit that after reading some of people's feedback on these new DW autos, I'm looking at them in a whole new light. I'll probably snag one before the year is out.
We'd love to see some pics of this cool new toy.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

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