March 21, 2014

Hello all, name is Ray, have had a DW 15-2 for many years, my dad bought it new in the late 70's and gave it to me about 10 years ago.
Found the forum here when I was searching a variety of keywords trying to fix a problem I was having
with the revolver cylinder not locking up. Got a parts replacement kit from an online retailer, swapped a couple
springs and it seems to be working fine now.


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March 2, 2008

Ray, my personal feeling is that there are two perfect "fighting" handguns, .357 Magnum in 4" and a 1911 Commander. They both feel exactly right for me, and I only have 4" B/A's for my DW Revolvers
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

March 21, 2014

I absolutely agree with your assessment.
My first ever semi-auto was a Colt Combat Commander. I currently rotate between a S&W 5" 1911 and a Kimber Ultra with a 3" barrel, depending on weather and what I am wearing. Since I replaced the springs in my 15-1, I am comfortable with it enough to carry with the 2.5" barrel but would really like to have that 4" barrel assembly, just feels better.
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