March 15, 2011

Hello to all:
I recently have become a Dan Wesson fan. I should have done this much much earlier (since I remember handling these great guns back in the 80's). So much great literature back then that was placed by Shooting Times, Guns and Ammo, and the like. Well, for a few years, I was basically "DanWessonless." That is, until earlier this year, I had enough cash to splurg on the following: 722, 41, two 741's with 6" barrel, and a 714. I'm looking eventually get a 7414, as I am a huge 41 mag fan since time immemorial. I consider the 414 Supermag the pentultimate version of the 41 mag round. Cheers to all! C.


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

August 29, 2009

Welcome to the group! Sound like you have a pretty nice collection going there. I'll have to agree with you - the 41's have a certain uniqueness about them that you can't resist. The 7414/414 is definitely the cream of the crop - if you're lucky enough to stumble across one ya better jump on it fast!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

You have a nice collection started there. 41 Cal is my favorite too since back before I had any Dans. When you have a chance, and I can't beleive nobody did this yet we need some photos for our need to feed the that afflicts us all.
Here goes...
Seriously, great to have you and keep us updated with your dan info..
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

March 15, 2011

March 15, 2011

danwesson41fan said:
Jody said:
Looks like you have put together a nice list of Dans! What part of Virginia are you currently located in?
Alexandria/Woodbridge. Any other DW fans you know of in the area? BTW, I need to put the 714 through it's paces.
Supermagfan said:
You have a nice collection started there. 41 Cal is my favorite too since back before I had any Dans. When you have a chance, and I can't beleive nobody did this yet we need some photos for our need to feed the
that afflicts us all.
Here goes..
Seriously, great to have you and keep us updated with your dan info..
Jody said:
Looks like you have put together a nice list of Dans! What part of Virginia are you currently located in?
Sorry, I posted it to the wrong guy. Woodbridge/Alexandria along Rte. 1. Let me know if you're in the area so we can go shoot!

March 15, 2011

I'm in the Roanoke area but do occationally make it up to Chantilly for the big gun show! If you haven't been you'll want to check it out.

March 15, 2011

March 15, 2011

Supermagfan said:
You have a nice collection started there. 41 Cal is my favorite too since back before I had any Dans. When you have a chance, and I can't beleive nobody did this yet we need some photos for our need to feed the
that afflicts us all.
Here goes..
Seriously, great to have you and keep us updated with your dan info..
Pix posted. Only 3 so far: 714, 722 (SAO), and 8" 41VH with Weaver scope. Two more to follow. Hopefully many more to get!
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