Welcome to the forum. Do you have a barrel tool?. It may be end shake or it may be as simple as setting the barrel /cylinder gap. If it is end shake there are several things to check but first make sure the gape is correct. If you cock the hammer and pull the trigger while holding the hammer back, then release the hammer while still holding the trigger you will put the cylinder in lockup. There should be very little movement front to back when you try to move the cylinder. If there is movement front to back, that is end shake. So, do you have a barrel tool and is there end shake?

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

+1 on the gap. Most likely for the symptom.
A common occurrence with excessive end shake is failures to fire. Movement of the cylinder robs energy from the firing pin striking the primer and the primer does not fire. Not every round, but enough to frustrate, and it can only get worse. Good news is that shims are available and cheap to correct end shake, if that is the only problem.
Please report back and also post some pics.

November 22, 2014

In response to number two yes I believe I have a barrel tool if by that you mean the shim/wrench which came in the case and yes, unfortunately I do have end shake. In response to number three thank you and WOW! That's a heck of a pistol. In response to number four that's exactly what got me looking very closely at the pistol (failing to fire) as well as a bit of shaved jacket on the cylinder end of my barrel. I took it to my gunsmith and he agreed it wasn't normal, saw the end shake and shimmed it. He was able to fix the end shake but now says the device which holds the yoke in is popping out. He described it as a circlip type of arrangement. I generally let him be the gunsmith and do his thing but being so few and far between I know he doesn't see a lot of DW revolvers and thought I should double check with the good folks here. Photos to follow as soon as I can figure out how to upload them. It doesn't seem to work from my iPad so I will try and fire up the old desktop!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

d9nmcs said
In response to number two yes I believe I have a barrel tool if by that you mean the shim/wrench which came in the case and yes, unfortunately I do have end shake. In response to number three thank you and WOW! That's a heck of a pistol. In response to number four that's exactly what got me looking very closely at the pistol (failing to fire) as well as a bit of shaved jacket on the cylinder end of my barrel. I took it to my gunsmith and he agreed it wasn't normal, saw the end shake and shimmed it. He was able to fix the end shake but now says the device which holds the yoke in is popping out. He described it as a circlip type of arrangement. I generally let him be the gunsmith and do his thing but being so few and far between I know he doesn't see a lot of DW revolvers and thought I should double check with the good folks here. Photos to follow as soon as I can figure out how to upload them. It doesn't seem to work from my iPad so I will try and fire up the old desktop!
The area of the frame that the latch locks in to can be an incredibly filthy place on a DW, and the spring inside the latch can collect a lot of crud as well. Thorough cleaning (I use a dental pick to really clean out the notch on the frame) is a great place to start
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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