September 28, 2010

Hi All,
I stumbled on this website and was sure glad to get some information on a gun I just traded.
Ever since the mid-70's the Dam Wesson line caught my eye, I was young and had just started a family and tried to find the scratch to get a hold of one of these great looking…and versatile wheel guns.
I was into firearms but usually got them used or cheaper department store rifles. Life went on, kids gorow'n…and me divorced for quite some while… I got re-interested in guns (for some reason) late fall of 2008.
Having a not too bad job I managed to grow quite a collection of firearms, many, of the “black rifle” type as well as pistols, shotguns and a spattering of rifles.
One day my boss mentioned he had a Dan Wesson in his gun vault. He was a skeet guy and at one time a part time police officer. He actually was browsing the gun shop for a service revolver (that was gun of choice back in those days) and he actually bought this to holster and carry…thank God his buddies talked him into a Smith or Colt snubby because as you can see this was a 4-incher and they reconend him to a 2 or so.
So over 25 or 30 years it was just pulled off the rack ans rubbed with light oil and a cloth once a year or so…until he told me he had it. He mentioned he wanted to buy a Mini-14 like (they once fired at the range), this was the Govt/police version and he'd never get his hands on a true service 14 as they were chambered for the 556 (and burs setting). I tempted him with an AR-15 I just put together and it'll fire both rounds, 223 and 556, something he wasn't aware of…plus they look cooler than a ranch rifle.
Well, we made the trade and one of the first person I sent a pic to was Keith at CZ, He congratulated me on finding a great 15-2 with 4 inch barrel. DW didn't keep records of serial numbers and the assemblies but my boss said he has it in his house somewhere. But after looking through the available parts list I mediately got the 6 inch heavy/vented barrel and wrench kit.Maybe he'll find it.
The 4 incher at the range, 25 yards, I chuckled to myself how what little effort was needed for keeping most of the first 12 rounds in the black.
In the next day or so, I got the 6 inch barrel…wowza! Looks good! As I was cleaning the barrel I looked down the bore with the cylender in place and noticed what appearsd to be a slight crescant to the right of the bottom of the barrel (probably within the pressure cone), but putting the 4: I didn't see this…or on any other of my guns.
I have read many blogs about DWs and never heard of checking “Bore Alignment”…barrel/cylinder gap every other page, but nothing about bore aligning problems. So I bothred Keith at CZ and he never heard of any coplaints of this. All these pistols made and going on different frames and no mention anywhere I checked (accept on the big bore HiPref Smith hand cannons where metal spepray and gas cutting played crucial roles). Keith mentioned checking it with a range rod. My local gunshop has a sometime gunsmith (bolt tightener/scope mounter) they mever heard of one…so I found one on Brownells and I'll be getting it tmorrow or so.
Has anybody on this site run into this problem? It might not even be a problem once I get the guage. Keith even mentioned the barrels are finished off differently on both ends, if you drop a loaded round into the back of the barrel, it sinks in probably 0.150” or so deeper in the new barrel than the old.
Well, I'll sign off and am glad to be a proud owner and a meber…or blogger-soon member of the DWF.


January 24, 2009

Congrats on your recent Dan Wesson score, and to the
It looks like you've tried to show us some with your intro post, but they wouldn't work for ya? I hate it when that happens...
This forum has some unconventional ways of doing things, compared to most other forums, especially when it comes to posting pics. But once you figure it out, it works pretty well.
Looks at the right of this screen under the "FAQ's" section, there's a tutorial on how to post pics. Your should be able to edit your post & post pics...that can sometimes be tricky, too. If it gives you too much grief, I'll edit them in for ya. I'll send you a PM too, in a second.
That is a great first post, welcome aboard!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

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