May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012

Well, I found my first Dan when I first started shooting back in 09 because my parents thought that I needed something for protection(the crime in my area has increased dramatically this year and is close to home) and it simply caught my eye. However it being a Mod 15-2 with a 6inch barrel they said I couldnt carry it, so I went on to purchase a Charter arms(I think that was the name) 38s snub nose. I absolutely hated it because it was a small round butt grip and I have a big hand, thus when I used it on the range the gun wouldn't stay still in my hand after shooting it because of all the kick back
. So cut to 3 years later and I finally got it after waiting
. I even got the original box, instruction booklet, original tool, and a 2 1/2inch barrel as a sweetener.
Originally I wanted a S&W M29-2 but it was far to expensive and hey, I can have my long barrel and short barrel without the need of a gun smith or worry of having it damaged. I would love to have a 8inch barrel and wood grip to go with it as well but the barrels are almost as expensive as the gun!

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

That is a pretty interesting gun, you have the 6V (vented) shroud, which is pretty common, and a nice 2 1/2" VH (vent heavy) snubbie barrel assembly. Also what looks like a DW Pachmayr Presentation grip, a little uncommon.
If you're looking for a nice wood grip that will also work well for a carry gun, I like the LB Gripper
Look around his site, you won't find a better wood grip for your DW (and he's a good guy).
Enjoy your Dan, and the Site
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

May 23, 2012

August 29, 2009

Nice looking setup you have there. Extra barrels are common in the secondary market but they do get pricey - just keep an eye out and one will come along. Grips are usually plentiful as well and LB can put you in the queue to make a nice one as well. If you decide to do away with the Pachmayr let me know, I need to add one to the collection.

May 23, 2012

harly said:
Nice looking setup you have there. Extra barrels are common in the secondary market but they do get pricey - just keep an eye out and one will come along. Grips are usually plentiful as well and LB can put you in the queue to make a nice one as well. If you decide to do away with the Pachmayr let me know, I need to add one to the collection.
Oh yeah, the 8v's are expensive but the hv or h dont go for that much. To bad I want the regular 8v. I think Im going to keep the grip with its original gun as it has been with it for years, and for the life of me I sort of like it. 😀

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Dans Club

November 17, 2008

May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012

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