March 18, 2014

Just got my first Dan Wesson, a 15-2 that looks to have been born about 1978 (like my daughter), given the paperwork in the original box. Got it through a GB auction and, I swear, I don't thinks it's been fired. The bluing is absolutely without a flaw except for the slightest hint of a dragline from a little dry-firing. Anyway, I feel I've stumbled into something special. I refer both to this gun and to this forum. I look forward to learning a ton.

DWF Supporters
March 8, 2014


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

Welcome to the forum. You have a conundrum. Shoot it or make it a safe queen. If it has a cylinder line, shooting it will not diminish the value much if at all. Just be carefull of handling it. When ejecting cases, keep the gun tilted to the left and make sure the cylinder is fully open when the extractor is used. If you allow the cylinder to fall back with the extractor extended it will scratch the sideplate behind the recoil shield. This happens to most 14-2 and 15-2 models. Be vary carefull of cleaners. I use JUST a light gun oil or automatic transmission fluid. Dextron.If you use anything stronger, test under the grip first. I use carnuba mag wax sometimes after cleaning. I only use jacketed bullets to avoid a lead issue. This is just me. And becareful putting the gun on hard surfaces. I like to spread a soft towel on the bench at the range. Lastly, buy another gun with a little wear so you can disregard what I said. OD
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