September 2, 2012

Hello from a first time DW owner. I bought this revolver from my younger brother, who bought it new in November 1977. It is a 4" 15-2 in like new condition, with slight holster wear around the muzzle. I had admired it since he first bought it, and would make occasional offers to take it off his hands to no avail.
I had recently decided I wanted a DW to scope and hunt with. I was visiting my brother just before Labor Day and we made some of the gunshops in his hometown looking for one with no luck. As I was packing to leave, he came into the room carrying the original factory styrofoam box containing his revolver. He said he never shoots it anymore and thought I would give it a good home IF we could make a deal.When he named his price, I got denim burns on my hand grabbing my wallet. To say I was surprised was an understatement.
If i recall right, there was a cardboard slip cover of sorts that went over the box to keep it closed. This cover is long gone, but best I can tell, everything else is there---wrench,gauge,plastic adapter for the wrench,owners manual, warranty card(that he filled out and never mailed) and even the original store price tag from the Gibsons store where he bought it.
I found this forum while doing some research and am glad I did. Have already read up on the tune-up and enjoyed reading several of the threads on the forum.
Since my original intent was find a six inch or longer barrel to mount a scope on, I've already started looking about for a shroud and barrel. I don't intend to let this one become a safe queen---I intend to use it.
Sorry about no pics---I need to find our camera and get the wife to show me how to use it.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you got a very nice pistol. I will warn you, about
(Dan Wesson acquisition syndrome) when you buy a nice Dan it may lead to collection of barrels, grips, and ultimately more Dan Wessons. Many of us are afflicted.
If your original paperwork verifies the date of manufacture, perhaps you would consider submitting to the serial # database in archives at the top of this screen. Its purpose is to establish a reliable timeline for Dan Wesson manufacture.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

to the
and I am sure you'll be getting us a range report before long of that new revolver you just obtained. What is cool is keeping the DW in the family. You can always download some photos later on if you feel inclined, until then we welcome you back for frequent visits!!
A man cannot have too many SuperMags
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