November 8, 2021
Ole Dog said
. You may have a problem with the 21/2" and 4" Barrels.
Should be OK I am grandfathered under 12(6) and own plenty of pistols with < 105mm barrels. But most of them are larger than my Boberg XR9L which is not prohibited. Goes to show the stupidity.
Last year they announced a ban on AR-15’s, and their only justification was “striking a blow for feminism against toxic masculinity”.
But I believe Canada is on its way out so it doesn’t bother me much.
Dans Club
January 17, 2015
Welcome to the Dan Wesson family from a fellow Canuck.
For the tool, I recommend EWK's tool, the original plastic tools are known to crack. EWK will not ship directly to Canada, so get a friend in the US to help out or contact a local shop that imports from the US - like Prophet River in Loydminster.
Dans Club
February 24, 2013
CZ sell the barrel tools:
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