January 5, 2016

Hello -- I recently picked up this Monson .22 from my local shop and joined up to find out more about this solid little (sorta) revolver...
I'm mostly into NATO type stuff, AR, AK, Autoloaders, MP5/MPX/Scorpion, 3 Gun style shotguns and some long range stuff from time to time.. Don't hunt much but do blast some doves from time to time. Also an avid off road racer and sand duner!
After combing the net for info on this one, I figure it was made in the late 70's to early 80's .. Serial #22xxx .. The thing that has me stumped is the imprint that should say "Dan Wesson Arms" is cut down to "sson Arms" Would this be the by product of someone cutting down the barrel?
Seems solid so far.. pretty stoked to get it out and shoot it.. also ordered up a Hogue grip in Goncola :O)


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

Welcome to the forum. Nice gun. Very interesting. I can't make out the serial number on the Android phone as I haven't been able to enlarge the pictures. I believe you have the date right but it was definitely made on a Monday morning after a big weekend. Just like a coin with an error, I think your shroud is worth an astronomical price. Hahaha. Not really but it is the first time I have seen that. Looks full size, not cut down. If barrel is 6", it is whole.
First off , and love Arizona, used to live there with my Dad in Glendale years ago.
I'm a little stumped myself as far as your question, looking at the photo's it almost seems first of all that your stamping look to be raised type lettering? Maybe its just the way the photo was taken I don't know. Are they in fact recessed ? If it's raised, I've never seen anything like that and that would be very interesting. Second, I'm not sure If your BA was cut down or maybe possibly just a misprint.? Judging from my own DW 22's from that era, you should have an E right in front of your SSON ARMS stamp and an L right in front of your .22 LR stamp If it were in fact cut, however you show space from the frame to the letters...or I should say "to much space". I'm no expert, this is just my observation, others that are much more knowledgeable than I, will I'm sure chime in shortly. They will get you figured out. At any rate, welcome, there is a world of knowledge here, enjoy!



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

rwsem said
Welcome! Couldn't be cut down, the ejector rod wouldn't fit and the vents are in the correct space as well. .... Made on Monday and I'd say a bit of an oddity!
AHHH, didn't even think of that. Does anyone else see raised stamping or is it just the way the photo was taken and my old eyes?

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

PSMFG2 said
rwsem said
Welcome! Couldn't be cut down, the ejector rod wouldn't fit and the vents are in the correct space as well. .... Made on Monday and I'd say a bit of an oddity!AHHH, didn't even think of that
. Does anyone else see raised stamping or is it just the way the photo was taken and my old eyes?
I don't think it's raised. Probably rolled "heavy" on one part. Makes it look a little pushed up to me. Neat quirky piece.
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?

January 5, 2016

thanks for all the replies.. yes the imprint is recessed and as Bruce suggests it looks rolled heavy to one side
I will get some better pics to post up tonight! Anybody know of a shop with the fiber front sight in stock? Everywhere I checked was out of stock...
Will also report back on how she shoots!

December 19, 2015

Hello from Arizona, right back at cha.
I'm a Prescott, AZ senior and just recently joined DWF myself. It's a terrific site with some very experienced members who are quick to help and share. I haven't seen a flame session yet, and everyone appears helpful and friendly.
There are several other AZ members who chime in from time to time. The SuperMag cult on here is active and always supportive.

January 5, 2016

Nice! How's the snow up your way? It's been raining for almost 3 days down here in the valley
I do have a .44 on my wishlist .. I would grab a supermag if I ran across one but most likely will end up with a 629 due to them being all over the place. Really want the 8 or 10" barrel

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Prescut said
I haven't seen a flame session yet,
No guarantee, but you are very unlikely to see one. If it does happen, content will be deleted and the offending Member(s) banned.
We had a wild child running amok for most of an afternoon several years ago (some of our older Members will remember "roverboy"), it took a few hours to get him fully locked out. We have a MUCH stronger Staff presence now. What used to be one Admin and three Moderators is now two Admins, three Moderators, and six Range Officers.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

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